
A. Back Squat 4x5 (60%, 65%, 70%, 75%)
Mini "Nasty Girls" V2
3 rounds:
30 Pistols Alt.
7 Muscle Ups
10 Hang Power Cleans 175/110
20 minute recovery bike or row


  1. Won't have the time to workout tomorrow so did the class workout today.

    Floor press- 245
    Class WOD- 5:12... Holy shit that sbuck up on me. Completely got the best of me

    Did tomorrow's back squats
    265, 285, 310, 330 (bad idea of that metcon)

  2. 140, 150, 160, 170

    20:50 - about 4 misses but got all the mu


    1. First round i only had 100 on the bar. All rounds cleans unbroken

  3. A. 225, (supposed to be 240)245, (supposed to be 245) 250, skipped last set at 260. Knees were not feeling good. Mis loaded bar for other sets.
    B. 7:13. Did this over the summer with Chris. 5/16. Time was 9:20. Happy with that.
    All pistols and MU UB. Cleans were 7,3. 6,4. 5,5
    C. Done.

  4. A. 160, 170, 180, 190
    B. 11:50 Vinny helped me on the mu's. I could have done the cleans faster on the first 2 rounds. All ub, but I kept resetting myself until the last set.
    C. Done 4k
    D. Conditioning in the morning followed by a mini-mental meltdown on the muscle ups. Say that 10xs fast!

  5. A) 225, 245, 265, 280
    B) 10:56 (last round of hang cleans got to me)
    C) Ate a bacon cheese burger instead.

    "Warm Up Weight Kate" and "Heavy Barbell Mel" both looked very good during Nasty Girls V2!

  6. A. 155-165-175-190
    B. 15:10
    -Best my muscle ups have ever felt. I started each round with a set of 2!! Progress.
    -Hang cleans were all unbroken.

  7. A: 115, 125, 130, 135 (felt light)
    B: 11:01 (MUs 5/2, 3/2/2, 3/1/1/1/1; Cleans 6-4 all rounds)
    C: finished at 10pm so had to call it quits

  8. A. 175, 185, 195, 210
    B. 15:19. Muscle ups slowly feeling better, got a few sets of 2
    C. Done
