
A. Front Squat - 20RM (2 attempts) rest as needed
5 rounds:
5 Clean & Jerk 135/95
15 Wall Ball Shots 20/14
1 round of "Mary"
(5 HSPU, 10 Pistols Alt, 15 Pull-Ups)
*compare to 12/11/14*
10 minute Foam Roll Quads (5 minutes per leg)


  1. A = ew.

    During the open are we going to continue with comp workouts or do the class wods?

  2. A) 16 reps at 245, just couldn't hold the front rack
    11:52 (Last time 15:46, did this during final week last time so combination of lack of sleep, adderall, and stress weighed down on me)
    Wallballs, HSPU, Pullups unbroken. Clean and jerks unbroken expect last round.

  3. A. 16 reps at 225. That was interesting.
    B. Old 15:33 UB everything except 2,3,4 of WB
    New. Goal was 2:30 a round (12:30)
    Finished in 12:04. Felt really good and kept a good pace. All UB except last round of CnJ (1,4).

    Whatever you are doing. It's working Chris.

  4. A: 17 reps at 205. B: old 16:32 new 13:45 everything unbroken

  5. A. 135, 140
    B. 15:46 (14:24)
    I remember moving a whole lot faster last time. I was resting more than I should have between movements.

  6. Welp today was interesting.

    Attempted 145, got 15
    Attempted 135, got 19 legs wanted 20 arms weren't having it

    Not an excuse but tonight was the closest I've come to a full blown asthma attack since I was 14. Time was somewhere around 19:30 old time was 18:13.

  7. A) 195, 215
    B) 12:25
    12/11/14 = 12:33

  8. A) 100
    B) 13:51 (13:59)
    C) done

    Everything unbroken but also felt a lot harder then last time. Had a good pace up until last round too much rest time.

  9. A) 195 just 1 attempt
    B) 13:22 (previous 13:49)
    C) Done

  10. A. 150. Then got 19 at 165.
    B. 17:39. Last time I got 18:52 and I had subbed cleans instead of c&j and 30" box jumps for the HSPU.
    -Pistols and pull ups have improved a lot
