
A. 3 sets:
Split Jerk x 3 reps (2 sec pause in bottom of dip, 2 second pause in catch) @ 70-75%
B. Clean & Jerk:
4 singles @ 75%
4 singles @ 80%
4 singles @ 85%
Power Clean 155/105
KB Swing 53/35
C2B Pull-Up


  1. Sad I'm missing todays wod - I likey. See ya'll tomorrow!

    Crossfit Revolver:

    A. EMOM 12 min
    Odd: 5 hspu
    Even: 12 OH lunges (45/25)

    B. Amrap 12 min
    15 Push Ups
    10 Goblet Squats (24/16)
    5 SDHP (24/16)

    A- RX + strict HSPUs
    B- 248 reps (8+8). Keeping elbows in the entire time on pushups is what slowed me.

  2. A. 185
    B. 195, 210,225(one miss on jerk)
    C. 16:13. All cleans and kb UB

    1. Just realized I had to do 3 waivers mid workout. Not an excuse but makes me feel a little Better

  3. 125
    125, 135, 145

    16:05 (cleans all unbroken, getting better at chest to bar but still a weekness)

  4. A: didn't do the first part cuz had no time. B: 205, 220, 235 felt great C: 12:15

  5. A) 185
    B) 190, 205, 215
    C) 12:56

  6. A. 85-95-100
    This was the first time I've done split jerks with weight in a month. They felt pretty good tonight. I really liked this drill

    B. 130, 135, 145 (2), 150 (1), 155 (1)

    C. 11:50
    -Chest to bars felt good tonight. Felt like I was smart about how I broke them up and had quick rest in between sets.
