
A. Every 30 seconds x 10 minutes
1 1/4 Front Squat x 1 rep @ 70% of 1RM (bounce out of bottom)
B. Dead Stop Front Squat 6 reps @ 90% of 1RM Clean
15 Front Squats 135/95
15 Burpees 6" target
30 second Assault Bike
rest 8 minutes x 3 sets
*all at 100%*


  1. Dropped into Möbius Crossfit in Cancun. Another great gym if anyone is ever visiting.

    A. Three Sets of
    Back Squat 8 reps (from ground)
    Max reps Strict Pull Ups

    B. For time:
    15 Hang Power Cleans
    15 Ring Dips
    Run 200m
    12 Hang Power Cleans
    12 Ring Dips
    Run 200m
    9 Hang Power Cleans
    9 Ring Dips
    Run 200m

    A: 95lbs/8 reps
    B: 8:46 RX @ 95lbs

  2. A) 225
    B) 245


    Round 1 = 1:40, 12 cals
    Round 2 = 1:38, 9 cals
    Round 3 = 1:50, 9 cals

  3. 1 1/4 front squat at 225 every 20s for 10min

    Dead stop front squat 6 reps at 245

    15 front squat 135
    15 burpees to 6" target
    30s assault bike

    1) 2:00/9 cals
    2) 1:48/8 cals
    3) 1:48/8 cals

  4. Couldn't make it to CFW today, so I worked out with my field hockey players at Crossfit Mount Kisco

    A. Worked up to a heavy hang squat snatch
    -110 (old PR)
    -125!!!!!!!! So freaking excited!!

    B. Amrap 7
    5 hang squat snatch (45)
    5 burpees
    5 box jumps

    9 rounds

  5. A) 225
    B) 245

    1:40 16 cals
    1:38 12 cals
    2:00 never started bike

  6. A.150
    B. usually do this on the blocks but did it from the rig. Failed 4 attempts at 165. Kept banging into the rig. Turned around the other way in the rig....problem solved. 165x3, 170x1 then failed the last. I was tired. Did accessory work after.
