
Last mini cycle!!

A. Snatch (Squat)
8 reps @ 50% TNG
8 reps @ 55% TNG
8 reps @ 60% TNG
rest 90 seconds
Snatch (any style) 165/110
3 sets:
500m Row
5 Muscle Ups
50 Double Unders
15 Toes to Bar (quick sets of 5)
50 Double Unders
5 Muscle Ups
5 minute rest
GHDSU - 3 x 15 Weighted (with Medball)
Banded Good Morning x 100 reps


  1. A)120,130,140 (oddly felt really good)
    B) Was at 10 after a minute but started doing an awkward half muscle half power snatch so stopped
    Shoulders were burning with fatigue and pain so stopped there.
    14lb Ball
    Used Black Rogue Band

  2. 65, 75, 80

    20 reps at 110

    Total time was 60:24. First round was 14:58 and not sure about the other two but they were longer. Did all those muthafuckin muscle ups!!!! Monday's have been big mental challenges for me and even though I know my time isn't good I'm happy I did it all.

    Double unders have been a hot mess, need to take a day to fix them.

    1. Did the ghd with no med ball, I was a little spent from my hour ordeal. And green band for good mornings.

    2. Holy moly 20 reps! Nice Em!!!!!

    3. Thanks Kate! I'm very jealous of your Monday metcon times, great job!

  3. A. 95, 8TNG snatch balance at 100, 100
    B. 19 reps at 165
    C. 5:06, ALL UB except second round of MU (4+1)
    5:25, ALL UB except tripped on 1st round BU (47+1)
    5:46 ALL UB except 2nd round of DUS (31+19)

    total time 26:17

  4. A) 20 laps. Outdoor pool.
    B) Tabata hollow rock holds.

  5. A- 60, 65, 75
    B- 4 of 7*
    C- 8:14, 8:09, 8:51**
    D- GHDSU done with no weight (lower back not feeling it), and good mornings done with green band.

    *tweaked my elbow on my first attempt and waited almost a minute to try the second. Not a great snatch day for me today.
    **DUs were horrendous the last round. Purchased a new jump rope today, hoping it will bring me some magic. Also really need to figure out how to string MUs better. Liking the challenging Monday skill wods!

  6. A: 115, 125, 135 felt light a fast. B: 21 reps an fail 2 reps after. C: couldn't do it cuz Steven kick me out cuz I was the only one doing the workout

  7. A. 65, 70, 75
    B. scaled to 85: 25 reps
    C. only had time for 2 sets:
    -11:10 (2 out 5 muscle ups; 3 out of 5 muscle ups)
    -10:59 (3 out of 5 MU; 5 out of 5 MU)

    D. blue band for good mornings. 14 pound med ball for the GHDSU
