
Shaker Bottle Saturday
ECC Week 2 Qualifier WOD


  1. 1: 3 rounds. Should have went faster but was trying to keep a steady pace since last week scarred me. Did quick singles on the cleans and was happy about 5 unbroken MUs each round.

    2: 125. Only tried 1 time. I think i had 130-135 in me but I liked being able to take that 5 minutes to breathe and stay in it mentally so didn't bother doing another set.

    3: 8:16. DLs felt pretty strong surprisingly and Chris, thank you... not sure what exactly in the programming helped with this but in the early summer i got my first strict HSPU and today was able to complete 36 with only 1 fail (the last one!). I do have to work on going lower though. My hair just barely brushes the mat then I push back up.

  2. 1. 10 reps….I've never done bar MU until today. They were ugly, but I muscled my way up there to get 5. I had 20 seconds left and I did 5 squat cleans in 20 seconds which I was happy about.

    2. 135…tried 140, but the hang clean got me

    3. 7:07: DL's felt good. HSPU were fine, although they felt stronger in the summer.

  3. 1: 3+2. Second time doing bar MUs, 1st time in a WOD. Happy with score but could have gone harder. Had last week in my head.

    2: 205. Failed at 225. Really should have hit it, just bad technique on 2nd attempt.

    3: 11:07. HSPU gave me some issues. My judge was a butthead too.

  4. 1 round plus 3 muscle ups
    18 deadlifts and got three hspu

    ecc is really showing me all the things I need to work on, which is a boat load
