
A. Snatch - 5 singles @ 90-95%
B. C&J - 5 singles @ 90-95%
C. Back Squat - 5 singles @ 91%
For time:
30 Squat Cleans 225/135


  1. A: 155-155-155-160-160. Pr is 170
    B: 195-195-195-195(bad fail. The weight came down on my right shoulder. I tried to get out of the way but it hit me. ) didn't do the last rep.

    C: 265
    D: I rested my arm for about 1/2 hour then did it at 195. 12:52. Actually got faster as time went by.

  2. A. All at 115
    B. 155x2, 160x3
    C. 205x2, 210x3

  3. A) 215, missed 1 rep behind
    B) just did 3 reps at 275
    C) 400 no reps missed
    Lower back was hurting so just did 15+ and worked on technique

  4. Ummmm, yeah. Probably was better off not coming tonight. Not sure what was up bc I actually felt good coming in but body performed otherwise! Haven't snatched in 2 weeks but I don't think that would have had an effect? Oh well, hopefully my strength comes back tomorrow for Grace! Whoop!

    A- 1/5 @ 105lbs (87%)*
    B- 5/5 @ 140 (93%)*
    C- 4/4 @ 170 (95%) + 1/1 @ 175 (97%)*

    *Everything felt heavy as f*ck!

    Lower back still sore from Tuesday so saving cleans for tomorrow.

  5. Snatch - suppose to be at 125, that wasn't happening tonight...did it at 115
    Clean and Jerk - 155
    Back Squat - 210
    30 squat cleans - 6:17...this wrecked me! My legs were washed by like rep 7. Felt like I was trying to stand up a million pounds #amillion

  6. A. Snatch: 100-100-105-110 (PR!!!!!!!)
    -snatches felt really good tonight :)
    B. Clean and jerk: 140
    -cleans felt good, need to work on my jerk still. Need to have a bigger split and get under the bar more
    C. Back Squats: 230
    -These felt great too! Tonight was a good night :)

  7. A: 167, 167, 172, 172, 180. No misses then hit a 5lb PR @ 190. Fuck Yeah. Almost @ 200.
    B: 205, 205, 205. Stopped after 3rd rep. My shoulders are all or nothing on any type of jerk movement. Either they feel great or they burn, sting, and hurt. Tonight they were nothing. Starting to become a small cause for concern for me.
    C: 315, 315, 325, 325, 330
