
A. Push Press 4 x 3 @ 87% rest 2:30
B. Deadlift Every 2 minutes x 8 minutes
8 @ 55%
6 @ 70%
4 @ 85%
2 @ 90-95%
3 sets:
Run 500m
40 UB Wall Ball Shots
30 Toes to Bar (10 quick sets of 3)
20 Burpee Pull-Ups (Jump to a High Pull-Up Station)
rest 1:1


  1. push press - 135
    deadlift - 160, 205, 250, 270

    9:10, then about the same and last one was closer to 10

  2. A. 120
    B. 175, 215, 260 (failed the 4th one), 270

    -Felt slow today. Wall balls were not UB, but was able to get a set of 19 on the first set (which is big for me).

  3. A- 120, 120, 120, 125
    B- 145, 180, 220, 240
    C- holy shit this was unexpectedly hard. I think I left the piece of paper with my times on it at the gym but I'm almost positive they were:

    Round 1- 9:40 (WBs unbrokeunborn)
    Round 2- 10:18 (36-4 WBs)
    Round 3- 11:03 (22-10-8 WBs)

    WBs completely wiped me out for the remainder of the wod. Gotta get faster at running (approx. 2:40 each round).

    1. And by 2:40 I think I meant 3:40, I can't remember.

  4. A: Strict Press because my elbows still hurt from Sunday. 3, 3, 2, 2 @ 165
    B: 245, 315, 375, 405
    C: 8:09, 9:04, didn't note time on last round

    I felt really good tonight, especially after last night. Elbows are still tender but strict press helped relieve some of that. DL were smooth and the metcon was an unexpected burner!

    Also, after our short pow wow tonight, I'm getting really fucking excited for the open. Hope you all are too!

  5. A: did sets of 2 at 120 because I kept failing the 3rd.
    B: 145, 185, 225, 245---then because I felt good, picked up Melissa's bar and hit a PR of 275!
    10:15 (30 UB WBs)
    9.50 (25 UB WBs)
    12:05 (YIKES)

  6. A: 165. Missed one in the 3rd set.
    B: 235-295-355-395(f)
    C: no time for the metcon but previous to the above did 500 kb swings (Russian)
    10-15-25-50 by 5 rounds Rest 30 sec After set. Rest 1 min after each round.

    1. Why in gods name would you do 500 KB swings?

  7. Did this today (Wednesday)
    A. Push press.. 185, 190, 195, 195
    C. Deadlift - 255, 325, 395, 415
    D. Bench Press - 5x4 - 155, 165, 175, 185, 190
