
A. Snatch - 1 Rep EMOM x 12 - 80-85%
B. C&J - 1 Rep EMOM x 12 - 80-85%
C. Front Squat 4 x 3 @ 87% rest 3 minutes
D. Reverse Hypers 3 x 10 reps rest 60 seconds
E. X-Band Walk 3 x 40 reps in each direction
F. Back Extensions 3 x 10 @ 2013 (add weight to last week)


  1. A: 105#, powered 2 of these, much easier for me to power than squat
    B: 140#
    C: 175
    D: done

  2. Should have rested today. Tried to work out, was only able to do a few things before I threw in the towel. Too much joint pain.
    A: 145. 8-12
    B: skipped
    C: 275
    E: Done w/ red band

  3. Went a little lighter on the EMOMs…shoulder was a little tight from the weekend.
    A. 85
    B. 115 (just did the clean). trying to work on faster elbows
    C. 185
    E. Done

  4. Class WOD

    A. 5 sets of:
    Snatch Grip DL x 1 + Snatch Pull x 1 + Power Snatch x 1 + Squat Snatch x 1 rest 2 minutes
    *OFF 6″ Blocks*
    95, 115, 115(F), 115 (not low enough), 115 (not low enough),
    7 rounds:
    10 Pull-Ups
    10 Box Jumps 24/20

  5. A:145 failed first one only
    B: 175-5. 185-3
    C: 205-220-215-215
    D: 180
    E: red band
    F: 3x25 hinge swings at 88lb

  6. Did the snatches and front squats, 105, 155 (lighter than it should have been but traps were pretty sore from the weekend)

  7. A. Did all snatches at 145. Hit 10/12. Was still super sore from weekend.
    B. CnJ - 195 for 7 and 185 for 5.
    C. Front Squats - All at 255
    D. X band walk.
