
10 sets:
7 calories AB
7 Burpee Box Jumps Overs 24/20
rest 2 minutes
Optional Accessory Work:
A. Strict Weighted Pull-Up 3 x 4 rest as needed
B. Strict Weighted Dips 3 x 8 rest as needed
C. 3 x 6 DB Row/arm rest as needed
D. 150x tricep band pushdown


  1. Wednesday, 10/15 did the class WOD.
    Back Squat 2x2 @ 295 and 2x2 at 305
    Bench Press - 10-8-6-4-2 (135, 155, 175, 190 fail, 190 again)
    Tricep pull down x 150
    3 x 4 strict pull-up with 44# KB
    DB row 3x6/arm with 50# DB

  2. 10/16
    0:00 - :43
    2:43 - 3:19
    5:19 - 6:00
    8:00 - 8:46
    10:46 - 11:34
    13:34 - 14:30
    16:30 - 17:32
    19:32 - 20:25
    22:25 - 23:11
    25:11 - 26:10
