
A. Push Press 4 x 4 @ 82% rest 2:30
B. Deadlift Every 2 minutes x 8 minutes
8 reps @ 55%
6 reps @ 65%
4 reps @ 75%
2 reps @ 85%
3 sets @ 85%
Row 500m
20 Wall Ball Shots 30/20
5-7 Muscle Ups
20 Burpees
5-7 Muscle Ups
100 Double Unders
rest 5 minutes
*sub 10 C2B + 10 Ring dips for each set of M-Ups*


  1. A: 200
    B: 265, 315, 365, 415
    1st metcon:
    3 rounds NFT-
    500m row
    20 burpees

    2nd metcon:
    5 rounds for efficiency-
    20 UB double unders
    5 bar muscle ups

  2. A: 115
    B: 145, 170, 195, 220
    C: 9:36, 10:40, 11

    MUs were super sloppy the first round - have been falling through the front whenever I try to string 4+. Idk. Weirdly enough, they felt better as they went on.

  3. A. 115
    B. 170, 200, 230, 260 (these felt good)
    C. 14:48, 15:12, 14:27
    -Did 5/5 MU each round. I did one at a time. Felt pretty good. I need to use my hips more. Pumped I only had one failed attempt.
    -Got 100 unbroken DU on the last set

    1. Damn girl! I was lucky if I got 20 DUs!!! Nice work

  4. A. All at 187
    B. 8@255, 6@305, 4@345, 2@295
    C. 1 - 7:47, 2 - 9:15, 3 - 9:47

  5. A: same as Steve
    B: same as Steve
    C: 8:48, 9:48, 9:47

  6. A: 115 (failed the 4th rep on the first set, but then I got my shit together)
    B: 145, 175, 200, 225
    C: 14:38, 16:24, DNF last round
    **did bar muscle ups and could only get 2 the last round, ripped both my hands and slammed my chest into the bar wayyy too hard on the last attempt. Happy I could even do them though!
