
A. Snatch
5 singles @ 75%
10 singles @ 80%
B. C&J
5 singles @ 75%
10 singles @ 80%
C. Front Squat
4 x 4 @ 82% rest 2:30 minutes
D. Reverse Hypers 3 x 15 reps rest 60 seconds (add weight)
E. X-Band Walk - 3 x 30 reps in each direction
F. Back Extension - 3 x 10 @ 2013
*starting at bottom position*
*1 second up, 3 second pause at extension, 2 seconds to lower to start*


  1. Snatches - 5 @ 140, 10 @ 150. Hit them all. Felt great.
    CnJ - 5 @ 180, 10 @ 195 - Hit them all. Felt great.
    Front Squat - 4x4 @ 245

    Reverse Hyper - 3x15
    Banded x walk with thin red band
    1 set of the back extensions

  2. A: 5 @ 140, 10 @ 150 - 1 miss
    B: 5 @ 185, 10 @ 195 - no misses
    C: All @ 265

    Reverse Hyper - done
    X-band walk - done with red band
    Back Extensions - 1 set

  3. A: 170, 180 (missed 1st rep)
    B: 230, 245 (missed 2nd clean)
    C: 315
    D: Good mornings at 115lbs
    E-F: Completed

  4. A. 5@85, 10@95
    B. 5@110, 10@115
    ran out of time to do the rest…..did some Milford Team work with Emily

  5. A. 100, 110
    B. 125, 135
    C. 175
    competed the rest, x walk with green band

  6. A: 135 (1 miss) 145 ( 1 miss)
    B: 165-175
    C: 175 (did 4 fs every other in the above)
    It took a large amount of time to warm up for the snatch. Still felt pretty easy.

  7. A/B- Oly class and worked on similar percentages
    C: 130
    E: done with theraband
    D/F: skipped as my lower back was giving me a bit of trouble tonight

  8. 10/13
    Did the class WOD

    10 Rounds
    7 Pull ups
    10 WB 20lbs
