
A. Push Press 4 x 5 @ 70% rest 2 minutes
B. Banded Deadlift - 8 x 2 @ 50% of 1RM + Bands - rest 45 seconds between sets
4 sets @ 80%
Row 250m
15 Pull-Ups (scale up to C2B)
15 KB Swings 70/53
15 Box Jump Overs 24/20
Run 300m
rest 5 minutes

Banded Deadlift 
*Remember if you're doing these in WP only in the old room*


  1. A. 135
    B. 185
    1-: 5:55
    (rested 4 m)
    2- 6:01
    (rested 3m)
    3- 6:35
    4- DNF - ran out of time!!

    We were really rushing this one

  2. A. Push Press 4 x 5 reps @ 70% (158) -->rest 2 minutes

    Result: completed at 160 lbs *rested about 1 min between sets*

    B. Banded Deadlift - 8 x 2 reps @ 50% of 1RM (213) + Bands --> rest 45 seconds between sets

    Result: completed at 215 lbs *this went well, not tough, just felt odd, I think I like the movement and can see why it’s helpful*

    4 sets @ 80% [sub: 3 rounds due to time]:

    Row 250m (1:40)
    15 Pull-Ups
    15 KB Swings 70lbs
    15 Box Jump Overs 24”
    15 HSPU [sub: 10 hanging from rig by linked red bands]
    Run 300m

    -->rest 5 minutes [rested 2 min due to time]

    Result: 8:00, 8:05, 7:52

    *pull ups went slower than I would have liked—a lot of breaks perhaps due to no warm up, as I felt tight, but who knows; broke swings only once--in 3rd round--exhausted; jumped all of the BJs; HSPUs were tough, as first time attempting them in about 5 weeks; wrist felt fine! they just killed me due to toughness*

  3. A) push press: 125#
    B) banded DL: 150#
    39:38 total time

    1. I did all the pullups butterfly to work on technique- was ugly. But I guess good practice. Kinda frustrated but I'll just keep working on these.

  4. A. 185
    B. Used 205 instead of 225
    C. Total time 33:20. Working rounds were 4:02,4:20,4:58,5:00

    Did a variation of the snatch ladder for beast.
    4 tng at 155, 3 tng at 165. Rep for rep with jay and jay at 185 for four minutes. Did 15. Also found a new 3RM snatch (185). Kate. Haha

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. 9/9

    A. Push Press 4 x 5 @ 70% rest 2 minutes

    B. Banded Deadlift - 8 x 2 @ 50% of 1RM + Bands - rest 45 seconds between sets

    4 sets @ 80%
    Row 250m
    15 Pull-Ups (scale up to C2B)
    15 KB Swings 70/53
    15 Box Jump Overs 24/20
    15 HSPU
    Run 300m
    rest 5 minutes

    Round 1: 6:30
    Round 2: 6:10
    Round 3: 6: 15

  7. A: 170
    B: 245 + band

    Had to do a variation of the workout for today due to equipment and space issues in my school gym

    4 sets for times: (3min rest)
    250m row
    15 kb swings (70lbs)
    15 HSPU
    (2:08, 2:20, 2:36, 3:00)

    2nd WOD
    15 box jump overs
    400m row

  8. Push press: 95
    Banded dead lift: 140

    DNF the last part only got 3 rounds
    We really rushed, pull-ups felt tiring today

  9. A. 110, 110, 115, 115
    B. 150
    I think my time was 41:20ish, but really could be making that up. I did butterfly chest to bar and rode the struggle bus a tad with them, but glad to be making progress.

    Also messed around with beast snatches, new PR power snatch @ 115

  10. A: 142
    B: 205 blue
    C: 2 rds 19:40 6:32/8:08

  11. A: 100 for all
    B: didn't do - back still sore
    C: 6:45, 7:12, 7:25, 7:21 (43:43 total)

    Unbroken C2B all rounds. Scaled KBs to 42# for back. Whatever tiny, tiny engine I had has taken a vacation. Felt like I was going to throw up the last 2 rounds. As much as it will suck, I'm looking forward to engine building in phase 2.

  12. A: 155
    B: 235
    C: 7:00, 7:15, 7:27, 7; 24

    Felt awkward doing C2B today. Going to put in more C2B work until it feels normal again.

  13. A. Push Press: 100
    B. Banded DL: 155
    C. 6:14,6:13, 6:21, 6:36
    -subbed 7 strict pull ups instead of 15…my hands are still beat up from the weekend and want to get them better for Flex on the Beach

  14. A. Push Press: 95, 95, 95, 100
    B. DL: 150
    C. Only had time for 3 sets.
    ** we were really pressed for time trying to get everything done in one hour, there was very little time for warmup.

  15. A) all at 155
    B) all at 205
    C) 6:10, 6:16, 6:40, 6:34
