
Phase 2:

A. Snatch - 5 TNG @ 60%, 3 TNG @ 65%, 10 Singles @ 70%
B. C&J - 5 TNG @ 60%, 3 TNG @ 65%, 10 singles @ 70%
C. Front Squat - 4 x 5 @ 70% rest 2 minutes

D. Glute Ham Raise - 3 x 12-15 reps
E. Weighted Back Extensions 3 x 12-15 reps
F. Banded (adduction & abduction) thin band 4 x 25/leg

*all snatches and cleans are full squat*




  1. Snatch - 5 TNG @ 75, 3 TNG @ 90 (suppose to be 80, messed up my percentages), 10 singles @ 90
    C&J - 5 TNG @ 95, 3 TNG @ 105, 10 singles @ 115
    Front Squat - 150
    Glute Ham Raise 3x12
    Weighted Back Extension 3x15 with 15lb plate
    Banded adduction/abduction - red band (felt this more in the leg that wasnt moving, not sure if thats whats suppose to happen)

  2. A. 85, 95, 105
    B. 120, 130, 140,
    C. 185
    D. Complete
    E. 15#
    F. Complete w/ red band

  3. A. Snatch – 5 TNG @ 60% (99), 3 TNG @ 65% (107), 10 Singles @ 70% (115)

    Result: 100 lbs, 107 lbs, 115 lbs

    *good squats on these–which isn’t a problem at these weights; missed 2 reps when I didn’t focus, but came back fine on next*

    B. C&J – 5 TNG @ 60% (135), 3 TNG @ 65% (146), 10 singles @ 70% (158)

    Result: 135 lbs, 145 lbs, 158 lbs

    *more tiring than expected, but quite a manageable*

    C. Front Squat – 4 x 5 @ 70% (193) rest 2 minutes

    Result: 195 lbs

    D. Glute Ham Raise – 3 x 12-15 reps

    Result: completed

    *12 reps each round; first time I’ve done these; didn’t get very high, but good enough–really feeling it in my hamstrings now*

    E. Weighted Back Extensions 3 x 12-15 reps

    Result: 15 lb plate for first 2, then 25 lb plate

    *15 reps each round; not difficult, so I went up in weight*

    F. Banded (adduction & abduction) thin band 4 x 25/leg

    Result: used the thin, purple band

    *first time doing these; abduction was quite spicy, adduction quite managable*

  4. A: 5 TNG 65#, 3 TNG 75#, 10 singles 85#
    B: 5 TNG 95#, 3 TNG 100#, 10 singles 105#
    C: 4X5 135#
    D: 3x12 I suck at these
    E: 1X12 ran out of time, my GMEN are playing
    F: 2 sets of 25/leg on each, see E

    1. Oh and everyone in my gym asked if I was doing Pilates with F!

  5. A: 130, 140, 155 (TNG not smooth whatsoever)
    B: 185, 200, 215 (all power jerks)
    C: 275
    D: 12 each
    E: 15 w/10lbs
    F: Completed with thick black band

  6. A. Snatch: 5@60, 3@65, 10 singles @ 70
    B. C&J: 5@90, 3@100, 10 singles @ 105
    C. Front Squat: all at 150
    D. GH raise: 3x15
    E. Back Ext: 2x15
    F. Completed with red

  7. A) Snatch 5@75, 3@85, Singles at 90 - Felt so good!
    B) C&J 5@105, 3@115, Singles at 125 - Felt really good too.
    C) Front Squat all at 140
    D) GH Raise 3 x 15
    E) Back Ext with 15# plate 3 x 15
    F) Completed with red band

  8. A: 110-115-120
    B: 130-140-150
    C: 180
    D: 3x12

  9. Did this at lifetime and I did not like not being at the gym for lifting :(
    It just wasn't the same!

    Snatch: 55-60-65
    C&J: 90-95-100
    Front squat: all at 140

    All I had time to do!

  10. A: skipped- took an only class focusing on snatches
    B: 85-95-100
    C: 115
    D: skipped- back is jaaaaaacked up from DLs on Saturday
    E: skipped - see above
    F: completed with purple band. Dammmmnnn do you feel the burn in the hips during the abductors

  11. A. 5 TNG snatch @ 65
    3 TNG @ 70
    10 singles: 5 @ 75 5 @ 80

    B. 5 TNG C&J @ 85
    3 @ 95
    10 singles at 100

    C. Front Squats all at 155
    D. done
    E. done with 15 pound plate
    F. 2 sets of each

  12. A: snatch 5 @ 115, 3 @ 120, 10 singles @ 130
    B: c&j 5 @ 145, 3 @ 155, 10 singles @ 165
    C: All @ 215
    D&E: Skipped. Lower back smoked from DL @ BOB
    F: Completed with purple band.

  13. A. 115, 120, 130
    B 185, 195, 205
    C. 255
    D done
    E. Done with 25
    F. Done

  14. 9/8/2014 - Monday
    Phase 2

    A. Snatch - 5 TNG @ 60%, 3 TNG @ 65%, 10 Singles @ 70%
    95, 105,
    110, 110, 110, 110 (F), 110, 110, 110 (F), 110, 110 (F), 110

    B. C&J - 5 TNG @ 60%, 3 TNG @ 65%, 10 singles @ 70%
    135, 145,
    155, 155, 155, 155, 155,
    155, 155, 155, 155, 155

    C. Front Squat - 4 x 5 @ 70% rest 2 minutes
    185, 185, 185, 185

    D. Glute Ham Raise - 3 x 12-15 reps
    15, 15, 15

    E. Weighted Back Extensions 3 x 12-15 reps
    15, 15, 12 @ 15 lbs

    F. Banded (adduction & abduction) thin band 4 x 25/leg

  15. A. Snatch 5 @ 115, 3 @ 125, 10 x 1 @ 130 - All felt great.
    B. Clean and Jerk - 5 @ 145, 3 @ 155, 10 x 1 @ 165
    C. Front Squat - 4 x 5 @ 205
    D. GH Raise - 3 x 15
    E. Back Extensions 3 x 12 with 25# plate
    F. Banded 2 sets of adduction and 2 of abduction

  16. A. 115, 125, 135 - heavier than prescribed, but snatches feel so good right now
    B. 125, 135, 145 - felt light
    C. 170 - just right
    D. 3x12
    E. 3x12 w/ #10 - first time
    F. 2 sets, got late
