
A. Push Press 3 x 5 @ 60-65% rest 2 minutes
B. Deadlift 3 x 5 @ 60-65% rest 2 minutes
CFW Class WOD:
Run 300m
21 Strict Press 95/65
rest 2 minutes
Run 300m
18 Strict Press 95/65
rest 2 minutes
Run 300m
15 Strict Press 95/65
*every time you break 200m run penalty*


  1. So for the PM people, should we do class wod at 6 or 7 then strength work at 8?

  2. Had to modify this to dumbbells with equipment available in my school gym

    Row 300m
    21 db strict press @ 30
    Row 300m
    18 db strict press @ 30
    Row 300m
    15 db strict press @ 30
    = 9:48 - no break in any of the sets

  3. A: push press 165-175. Push jerk 175-175.
    A2 pullups 31-22-17-12
    B: 17:00. Rd 1 19/2. Rd 2. 11/7. Rd 3 UB.

  4. Did class wod:
    4x3 push jerk ... 3 sets at 195 and last set at 200.

    Conditioning -- I think it was 15:something Rx.

    Set of 21 did 16 and then 5
    Set of 18 did 11 and 7
    Set of 15 did 9 and 6.

    Not too displeased being that anything shoulder to overhead has always been my weakness.

  5. Did class WOD.
    Push Jerk - 3 @ 195, 1@ 200

    Milford Comp practice afterwards

  6. A - 105, 115, 125, 130
    B - 11:51 @ 55 lbs.. Should've went RX
    C - Milford WOD 1 + 2 practice.. Completed 140, and failed the 145 hang power
