
A. Snatch
3 singles @ 80%
2 singles @ 85%
1 single @ 90%
B. C&J
3 singles @ 80%
2 singles @ 85%
1 single @ 90%
C. Back Squat
5 x 2 @ 85% rest as needed
45 seconds C&J @ 95/65 *do not let go of bar*
45 seconds double unders
rest 5 minutes x 3 sets
*the above at 100%*


  1. Mobility


    3 singles @ 80% (132)
    2 singles @ 85% (140)
    1 single @ 90% (149)

    Result: completed all at above weights (150 lbs on the final single)

    *took forever to get warmed –up, crawled up to 132 lbs, and missed few along the way; full squat on each at 132 lbs, then didn’t get very low on the 140’s and the 150; pretty happy with this*

    Clean & Jerk

    3 singles @ 80% (180)
    2 singles @ 85% (191)
    1 single @ 90% (203)

    Result: completed all at above weights

    *still not getting the clean on the front rack, of course; a little slow on the 203 lb jerk, so I pressed it out*

    Back Squat

    5 x 2 reps @ 85% rest as needed (301)

    Result: completed all at 301 lbs

    *time being an issue, I rushed through these—not sufficient rest...second rep on the last few sets was torture as a result; depth on some might not be anything to write home about*

    3 Rounds - AMRAP 90 seconds:

    45 seconds C&J @ 95/65 *do not let go of bar*
    45 seconds double unders

    -->rest 5 minutes x 3 sets (at 100%) [sub: 2 1/2 min rest--due to time constraints]


    9 and 22
    10 and 34
    10 and 23

    *did full squat cleans and split jerks on each, so as not to have these become thrusters; doubles while fatigued was tough!*

  2. Snatch - 100, 105, 110 (no misses!!)
    Clean and Jerk - 130, 135, 145
    Back Squat - 195
    3 rounds - 15/54, 14/60 (new consecutive double under PR), 14/58

  3. My sister the bride to be forced me to take yoga with her this morning so I did that and a light jog.
    Did some push-ups, rows, tricep work but couldn't get this done :(
    Ready to get back at it next week this week has been a bit crazy!

  4. A. Snatches: 80(2), then 75 for 3, back up to 80 for 2, then 85 for 1.
    B. C&J: 120(3), 130(missed second jerk), 135(missed jerk)
    C. Back Squats: All at 205
    D. 3 Rounds- Done. Was definitely tired for DU's, but I do feel like these are getting better.
    **So again, there wasn't much time for warmup to try and get this done in one hour. I felt really awful today, the left side of my neck/shoulder was hurting, especially on the snatches and I just wasn't squatting anything. So I just lowered the weights a bit.

  5. A: 135-145-155. No misses
    B: 175-185-195. No miss
    C: 250
    D: full clean. 13/18 - 12/38 - 13/26

  6. A: 95, 100, 105
    B: 120, 130, 135
    C: 155 (failed 2nd rep of last set)
    D: 14/51, 14/53, 14/44

    Felt so, so weak tonight. Tommorow is a new day!

  7. 9/12
    A. Snatch
    3 singles @ 80% - 115 - fell forward on last single

    2 singles @ 85% - 125

    1 single @ 90% - 130

    B. C&J
    3 singles @ 80% - 180

    2 singles @ 85% - 185

    1 single @ 90% - 190

    C. Back Squat
    5 x 2 @ 85% rest as needed

    45 seconds C&J @ 95/65 *do not let go of bar*
    45 seconds double unders
    rest 5 minutes x 3 sets
    *the above at 100%*

  8. Accessory work
    A. 3×8 strict pull up against max band
    = blue band (4/4), red band
    B. 3×15 weighted push ups
    = 25#
    C. 3×10 db row / arm
    = 40# – super easy
    Comp wod
    A. Snatch
    3 singles @ 80% = 115
    2 singles @ 85% = 125 (x,o)
    1 single @ 90% = 130

    B. C+J
    3 singles @ 80% = 175
    2 singles @ 85% = 180
    1 single @ 90% = 190 (failed jerk)

    C. Back Squat
    5×2 @ 85% = 85% r: prn (~2m)
    = 260
    45s c+j @ 95
    45s du
    R:5m x 3
    9/68, 9/50, 11/74
    full squat clean

  9. A: 175, 185, 195 (no misses, shoulder crazy sore)
    B: 245, 260, 275 (no misses, finally got my clean back)
    C: 375 (switched to a slightly narrower squat, had to throw on a belt after the first set
    23/65, 21/62, 19/58
    Not as efficient as i'd like to be with TNG oly lifts as i'd like to be

  10. A. -55,165,176
    B. 205,215,230
    C. Skipped.
    D. 14/46,15/64,15/80

    All movements power to keep from squatting
