
3 sets:
10 calories AB Bike
10 Burpees
15 KB Swings 53/35
10 Burpees
15 KB Swings 53/35
10 Burpees
10 Calories AB Bike
rest 8 minutes
All at 110% effort
*record all 3 rounds*

Optional Accessory Work:
A) 3 x 8 strict pull-up against max band - http://youtu.be/bgCSQIZjQ8M
B) 3 x 15 weighted push-ups
C) 3 x 10 DB Row/arm rest as needed
D) 100x tricep band pushdown


  1. 3:53, 4:08, 4:42

    No time to do accessory work, fun one today! Bike's a big weakness

  2. Row 10 cals. our bike broke this am
    3:57, 3:55, 4:16
    total - 28:08

    3x8 banded pullups with blue band
    3x15 weighted pushups, 25#
    handstand walk and strict hspu practice

  3. Three Rounds, 110% effort:

    10 calories AirDyne bike
    10 burpees
    15 KB swings - 53 lbs
    10 burpees
    15 KB swings - 53 lbs
    10 burpees
    10 calories AirDyne bike

    -->8 min rest between


    3:50 (est)

    *equipment malfunction to start--bike monitor kept turning on/off, had to switch bikes, so can only estimate Rd. 1--think it was actually faster than Rd. 2, but whatever; went 100% on all rounds--no stopping, moved pretty quickly; felt nearly as fresh on Rd. 2 as on Rd. 1, but really started to fade on Rd. 3; had a disagreement with Coach Chris over the impossibility of going 110%; he's either wrong or interjecting hyperbole--either way, it was uncharacteristic for him*


    100 tricep band pushdowns - with thin orange band *spicy! did 4x25 reps; Coach Chris had to show me proper form*
    3 rounds of strict pullups against max band - thin orange band Result: 8, 6, 5 *kinda, not sure how many my chin actually got over the bar--very tough; great strength builder!*

    *had more cashout prescribed: weighted pushups and dumbbell rows--didn't have time, will have to complete another time, along with my Gymnastics Class homework...sheesh, way behind!*

  4. 4:05, 3:58, 4:03

    Accessory Work:
    A) UGH just did 3 sets of 8 strict pull-ups
    B) 3x15 weighted pushups with 35# weight
    C)3x10 DB Row with 50# DB
    D)100x triceps pressdown with peach band - 2 sets of 35, 25 then 5 *burn!*

  5. (Rower) 2:51, 3:20, 3:35
    Accessory work:
    Weighted pull-ups- 45lbs x8
    Weighted push-ups- 70 x15
    DB Row- 50 x10
    Cable rope extensions- 30lbs x100

  6. Yeah, engine needs work. Vom - 4:07, 4:21, 4:43.

    A: 3x5 w/ peach

    HS walk practice for beast of the east.

  7. 2:35, 2:45, 3:44

    Pullups with green band. Freestanding handstaning push-ups.

    Did 100 wallballs and 50ft handstand walk with Emkey24 to practice for beast.

  8. That darn bike, everything else felt ok: 4:39, 5:10, 5:16

    Worked on some muscle up progressions.

  9. 3:40, 4:12, 4:16.
    That 53 felt like air for the first two rounds.

  10. 3:45

    Did rows and some push ups!
