
A1. BTN Snatch Grip Push Press 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 *2 sec OH hold*
A2. Pull-Ups - 5 x 10-20 reps rest 2 minutes
B. Hang Snatch - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 @ 70-75% of 1RM Snatch rest as needed
C. Overhead Squat - 3 x 5 @ 70% of 1RM OHS rest 2 minutes
D. 20 seconds L-sit rest 40 seconds x 10 sets


  1. Mobility

    A1. Presses - behind-the-neck snatch grip push press 5 x 5 reps - 2 sec hold overhead

    A2. Pull-Ups - 5 x 10-20 reps

    -->2 minutes


    135 lbs, 10 pullups
    145 lbs, 10 pullups
    155 lbs, 10 pullups
    165 lbs, 10 pullups
    175 lbs, 10 pullups

    *very pleased with this--kept going, even though shoulders got smoked*

    Hang Snatch - 5 x 5 @ 70-75% of 1RM (105-115lbs)

    Result: 2 @ 95 lbs; 3 @ 105 lbs

    *went a little lighter on first sets, 5 reps was tough after prior movements, but I got good an low*

    OH Squat - 3 x 5 reps @ 70% of 1RM -->rest 2 min (144lbs)

    Result: 2 @ 135 lbs; 1 @ 145 lbs

    *very happy with this, this was rough, but gutted it out--got good and low*

    L-sits - 20 sec L-sit, 40 sec rest x 10

    Results: 20x3, 18, 16, 15, 14x2, 12, 20

    *I'm getting better at these, still suck, but took everything I had to hold that last 20--tells me I could have done more on earlier rounds*

  2. Hey Chris what day this week/month are you going to coach the PM folks? I'm sure AM folks are curious too

  3. Thursday (during classes) as you'll all be doing the class WOD and I'll be there 5, 6, & 7 coaching as well as Saturday after our BOTB meeting we will be going through some lifting technique work.

  4. A1. BTN Snatch grip push press
    5×5 (2s OH hold)
    A2. 5×10-20 reps
    = 95/20, 105/20, 115/20, 125/20, 135/20
    10 strict and 10 butterfly (did 10 butterfly UB, the strict started off with 10, then 5-5, then 3-2, 5x2, 5-5)
    B. Hang Snatch 5×5 @ 70-75%
    = 95-95-95-105-105
    -Tough, shoulders felt fried, focused on hinging from the hips and dropping under faster
    C. OHS 3×5 @70% 1RM ohs
    D. L-sit 20s hold r:40s
    -hardest L-sit yet, fun fun

  5. A1) 165,185,195,195,205
    A2) 2 sets of 10 strict every set
    B) All at 160 (no reps missed)
    C) 185,205,225 (Don't have a 1RM so built to a heavyish set of 5)
    D) Completed

  6. A1) 107, 107, 107, 107, 107 - I'm still working on my shoulder mobility and popping the bar up and down in the BTN position will be something I need to get used to. Felt good tho. Would've liked to go heavier but wanted to play it safe here.
    A2) 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 all strict with purple band - not unbroken though. Meh.
    B) 85, 85, 90 (UGLY), 85, 85
    C) 95, 100, 100 - Felt Great. Don't have a 1RM that I know of so just went as heavy as I though i should.
    D) 10 x :20 L-Sit with :40 rest - the last few were difficult.

  7. A:115-125-135-145-155
    17 pullups each round

    B: 115
    C: 145
    D: grrrr

    This really beat me up for some reason. Both hands ripped for first time in over a year.

  8. A. 115,125,125, 135(Failed third rep, finished set at 125, 125
    A1. 20 Kipping each round except 4th got 5 then 15 and last got 10
    B. 100 Failed 3rd rep of 4th and 5th set
    C. 95, 100, 105
    D. 20 Sec for each set

  9. A1. 165, 185,195,195,205
    A2. 20(UB), 20(UB), 16(UB), 10x2, 10x2
    B1. 115
    C. 135
    D. Completed.

  10. A1) 85-95-95-95-90
    Dropping it back on my neck was the worst part, had trouble with it.
    A2) pull-ups: kipping
    Getting these strung together has been better!
    B) snatches: 65 for all
    Need to stop drop faster
    C) 85
    Felt good Except last 3 reps of last set balance was off
    D) finished and they were not easy!!!

  11. Woah! I'm exhausted.

    A1: 85, 95, 100, 105, 110
    A2: 20 unbroken butterfly each round
    B: 75
    C: 85
    D: done

    Snatches should have been a bit heavier but it felt heavy enough to be able to focus more on technique then muscling it up. Thanks Chris for sticking around tonight, the coaching and extra time is appreciated.

  12. A1. 95-105-105-105-110
    A1. butterfly pull ups: 11 each round
    B. snatches at 75 pounds
    C. 85 pounds
    D. done

  13. Chris thanks for staying today, the tips and warm up suggestions will help a lot!

  14. A1. 95-95-105-105-100 (Failed last 2-3 reps at 105)
    A1. butterfly pull ups: 10,10,10,12,12
    B. snatches at 75 pounds -- Sntaches sucked for me couldn't get comfortable in the bottom, was not pushing out the bar and pushing off my toes alot.
    C. 85 pounds
    D. done

  15. A1) 165, 175, 185, 185, 195
    A2) 20, 15, 20, 20, 20
    -lost my rhythm on the 2nd set of pullups, last two sets felt the smoothest
    B) all at 145, struggled through these
    C) all at 155
    D) dropped at second 15 during sets 7 and 8, the rest i was able to stay up

  16. A1 115, 125, 125, 135, 135
    A2. 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
    The last set of pulls I was able to butterfly

    B. 95, 95, 95, 95

    C. 115, 115, 115

    D. 20, 20, 20, 18/2, 15/5, 11/9, 13/7, 15/5, 15/5, 5/5/5/5
