
A. Back Squat 1RM
B. OHS - 1RM
Run 1 Mile (at a track)


  1. BS: 295. PR is 300.
    OHS: 205 (easy). Old PR was 185.
    Hardest part is getting it overhead.

  2. Back squat. Old 360 new 375 failed 405 3 times. Went for the gold!

    Ohs. Old 165 new 185. Failed 205 3 times.

    Mile. Lifetime pr. 5:05. During 5:35. Today was Emily's pace car and ran a 6:37

  3. Back Squat - 230 20lb PR
    OHS - 155 per June was 110, PR'ed twice during at 115 and 135.
    Mile - 6:51 past was about 7:30 but not sure

  4. BS: old: 175, none during, new 190
    OHS: old didn't really have one (maybe 115?), during 140, today- went to 135 and stopped because of my back.

    No mile today either.

  5. Back squat:
    Prior 210
    During never went over 185
    Today 200

    Prior 95
    During 105
    Today: 120
    Had trouble getting it overhead, I mean real trouble ask mikey ha
    Then frazzled it fell forward but I know I can go heavier!!
    Happy with it though!

    Prior 6:58 (I think)
    During: 6:29 ( did this almost two weeks with soccer team)
    PR: 6:23 ( and I puked gross)

  6. Backsquat:
    Prior (Sept 30, 2013): 180
    During: n/a
    Today: 180

    Yes, in 11 months no gain. I will try to stay positive but its obviously annoying since the number is low to begin with. I got up with 180 not all that hard, then at 185 I don't know what happens. Blegh.

    Prior: 115
    During: 115
    Today: 145
    A lil shaky with the elbow hyperextension but excited to have gotten this after a stinky BS session. Thanks Melissa and Alyssa for the help!

    Prior: not sure
    During: 7:53 (around gym)
    Today: DNT, gotta cold

  7. Backsquat: prior = 365, during = n/a, today = 375
    OHS: prior = 210, during = n/a, today = 255

  8. Back Squat- Prior - 355, during = n/a, today hit 335 with ease and failed 355 twice.
    OHS - Prior - 200, during = n/a, today = 235.. 10# lbr
    Mile - Prior and during = n/a, today = 7:20

  9. Back Squat:
    Prior: 240
    Test: 250

    Prior: 110
    During: 120
    Test: 155

    Mile at WPHS:
    Prior: around 6:20 when I was marathon training
    during: n/a
    test: 6:47
    -this is definitely faster. My legs were kinda shot from the squats.

    1. Melissa! That's a new S2O PR too right?!?! Effin awesome!

  10. Back Squat- Before: 435. After: 440 (5lb PR, failed at 445)
    Overhead squat- Before: N/A. During: 225x5. After: 295 (shoulder was crazy tight and unstable, sacrificed some depth to compensate)

    Didn't have a track to run the mile but ran one in like 6:20

  11. just trying to be strong like Melissa
    A: back squat: 230
    C: mile 6:22

  12. A. Back Squat
    Previous: 305
    During: no PR
    Test: 295 - tried twice, got stuck in the bottom and when attempted to drop it got stuck on my traps and made for a nasty landing, gonna ice my shoulder for tomorrow. (Did a 10hr shift at work - may or may not have affected me here)

    B. OHS
    Before: 145
    During: 145
    Test: 185

    C. Mile
    N/A - couldn't find a lit track - not sure what my previous mile run time is

  13. Friday
    A. Back Squat 1RM
    Prior: 260
    During: 260
    Test: 305 - PR

    B. OHS - 1RM
    Prior: 135
    During: 145
    Test: 175 - PR
    185 / Failed

    Run 1 Mile (at a track)
    Do this tomorrow...

  14. A: Back Squat - Prior 295, During 305, Test 345
    B: OHS - Prior 160, During 165, Test 225

    Call it a PR but I had a shitty shoulder and mobility issues before. Either way, feels good to realize my potential now that I'm good to go. Hoping this only the beginning...

  15. A) prior: 225, during: n/a, test: failed 4x trying for 230. Didn't retest 225 but I think I could've gotten it up. Did 2x at 215 warming up. Egh
    B) prior: 130, during: 135, test: 160
    C) prior: 5:38(college cross country lol), during: 6 something with Emily for one of the first Sat WODs we did in the programming, test: 7 min flat
