
Rest & Recovery Day

*Coaches Note*

Hey guys - a few things to remember during this testing phase.  First and foremost, I can all but assure you, you will not PR every lift or workout - get over it and move on.  Do not dwell in the past, do not let it affect your mood, do not let it interfere with all the progress you guys have made and the lifts and workouts to come.  I have had a Front Squat PR of 330# for 2.5 years and a Shoulder Press PR of 185# for 4 years.  Does this suck?  Yes!  Is it annoying? Yes!  Has it held me back from getting really good at fast exercise?  No - I'm pretty good with that.  Learn from me - move the fuck on and stop dwelling on meaningless stuff. You guys are all champions in my eyes - you've come this far, you've sacrificed sleep & social fun to get where you are to this point - the process without the struggle is not worth it.  Remember - "Full effort equals Full victory!"

Secondly, Kate has agreed to make us a spreadsheet for the pre and post testing results (she was super fucking pumped that I asked).  What I am looking for is your Pre testing cycle PRs (whatever your times or lifts where before you started this 12 weeks ago) followed by your Post cycle PRs.  If you PRd during test week great, if you PRd along the way great - please use those numbers as your PRs.  I'm trying to gather data to see where I went wrong with the program, where we did good, and where we can improve.  I need all accurate data in order to do this.  Please don't make it hard for us to do this.

That's all


1 comment:

  1. SO PUMPED! Ha. View the link to see what exactly Chris is looking for and please comment on the blog accordingly. Thanks!

