
A1. BTN Snatch Grip Push Press 5 x 3 *2 sec OH hold*
A2. C2B Pull-Ups - 5 x 10-12 rest 2 minutes (do these strict if possible)
B. Hang Snatch - 5 x 2 @ 85% of 1RM rest as needed
C. Overhead Squat - 4 x 1 @ 85% of 1RM rest as needed
D. 50 strict TTB (scale number down as needed - should not take more than 6 minutes)


  1. A1) 195,205,215,225,235x1
    A2) 12 strict (3 sets of 4 each round)
    B) 185, no reps missed
    C) 225 (don't know my 1rm overhead squat)
    D) 5 sets of 10

  2. A1. 85, 95, 105, 115, 125
    A2. 12 kipping chest to bar in sets of 4
    B. 115 - hot mess express, need to improve consistency
    C. worked up to 135, dont know 1RM
    D. 50

  3. A1) 115, 115, 120, 120, 120
    A2) 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 kipping chest to bar each set I started w 4, then 2, then singles to 10
    B) 85, 90, 90, 90, 95 These felt horrible
    C) 120, 125, 130, 130
    D) 6:13 - sets of 5

  4. Feeling very sluggish...hamstrings made it very difficult to do snatches from hang position...

    A1. BTN Snatch grip push press 5×3 *2s oh,*
    A2. C2B pullups 5×10-12
    = 115/6, 125/6, 135/6, 145/6, 145/6
    -Did as much strict as I could

    B. Hang Snatch 5×2 @85%
    = 95, 95, 95
    - this was difficult, which is rare for this weight (was intended to go 120). Form went to shit so I didn't do the last 2 sets.
    C. OHS 4×1 @ 85% of 1RM
    = 115-115-115-115
    -I've gone heavier with tempo and felt better about it, than doing these singles. Not sure what to think of that
    D. 25 strict t2b
    -had to run to work so cut it short... 10, 4, 11

  5. A1) 135, 145, 155, 165, 175
    A2) First two sets strict C2B for 12 reps. Last three sets did half strict and half butterfly
    B) Hang Snatch 145 x 4 and 150 x 1
    C) OHS - 185, 175, 175, 185
    D) Did sets of 5 with 30s rest between each set

  6. A1) 105, 115, 115, 120, 120
    A2) Did 5x10 strict with the band
    B) Hang Snatch 85lbs for 5 sets
    C) OHS - 130, 135, 135, 140
    D) Did 30 total, one at a time to try and stay as strict as possible

  7. A1. Behind-the-Neck Snatch Grip Push Press - 5 x 3 reps -->2 sec hold at top

    A2. Chest-to-Bar Pullups - 5 x 10-12 reps, strict if possible [impossible, sub: kipping]

    Result: 145 lbs, 155 lbs, 165 lbs, 175 lbs, 185 lbs + 10 C2Bs (some CNBs) each round

    *185 lbs is 10 lbs more than previous weeks--yay!; there were a number of chest-near-bars to accompany my C2Bs, but these got better as I got warm--stringing more and more together; Coach Chris gave me a banded resistance exercise to improve use of lats on these and for progression toward muscle-up*

    *wrist hurt a bit after the C2Bs, given the flexing that I must do to get myself up there prone, but subsided pretty quickly; wrist feeling a bit better, overall*

    Hang Snatch - 5 x 2 reps @ 85% of 1RM (140 lbs)

    Result: 125 lbs, 130 lbs, 135 lbs, 140 lbs *FAIL*, 130 lbs, 130 lbs

    *sucks that I failed, but the hang is a nemesis; however, I was getting down into a squat on most of these, which NEVER happens above, say 125 lbs--so quite happy with that*

    Overhead Squat - 4 x 1 reps @ 85% of 1RM (175 lbs)

    Result: 145 lbs, 155lbs, 165 lbs, 175 lbs

    *felt a bit shaky, but I got good and low and was in no real danger of dumping--much improved*

    Strict Toes-to-Bar

    50, for time

    Result: ~4:30

    *once I got loose, these went off pretty easily, did 5's and chunked my way through; expected it to take longer and didn't need to pace myself like I did; my core is stronger than I thought*

  8. A1) 90-95-95-100-105
    A2) hand rips still pretty bad so did strict pull ups
    B) 70-70-65-65-75
    Mentally lost it so dropped got it back together then went up
    C) 95-95-100-105
    D) finished
    Did them in sets of 2-5

  9. A: 145/8 155/8 160/7 165/7 170/6
    B: all at 135 and easy.
    C: 175 easy squats. Hardest part was getting it overhead.
    D: 5:43

  10. A1. BTN Snatch Grip Push Press 5 x 3 *2 sec OH hold*
    A2. C2B Pull-Ups - 5 x 10-12 rest 2 minutes (do these strict if possible)

    135 / 4 Strict 6 Kip
    145 / 10 Kip
    155 / 10 Kip
    165 / 10 Kip
    175 (1) / 10 Kip

    B. Hang Snatch - 5 x 2 @ 85% of 1RM rest as needed

    135 (1)

    C. Overhead Squat - 4 x 1 @ 85% of 1RM rest as needed

    D. 50 strict TTB (scale number down as needed - should not take more than 6 minutes)

  11. A1: 105, 110, 115, 120, 125(2)
    A2: 5 strict C2B unbroken each round
    B: 90, 95(1), 95, DNF tweaked elbow
    C: 100, 105, 110, 115
    D: 3:07 (15 then sets of 5)

    Elbow is sore and holy smokes hands are raw. No pain no gain but excited for rest day!

  12. A1) 185, 195, 205, 215, 225
    A2) 4(strict)-8(kipping), 3-9, 2-10, all 12 kipping, 2-10
    B) all at 175
    C) all at 185
    D) 5:52

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. A1. BTN Snatch Grip Push - 105, 110, 115 (x1), 110, 110
    A2. C2B Pull-Ups - 3 without band, and then used red band 3 rounds and 1 round red and purple band - 10 reps with bands
    B. Hang Snatch - 90, 95 (x1),100, 105 (x1) the failed rep was good but didn't lock out my arms at the top and it fell. tried to save it but no go.
    C. Overhead Squat - 100, 105, 110, 115 (really tight IT band difficulity squatting)
    D. 50 strict TTB 4:31
