
We are TESTING next week - the volume in this week is purposely low so that you're all fresh for 1 week from now.  Try to avoid doing extra

A1. Front Squat Cluster 5 x 1.1 (rest 15 seconds) @ 85-90%
A2. HSPU (kipping) 5 x 12-15 rest 2 minutes
B. Hang Cleans - 5 x 2 @ 85% of 1RM Clean
C. GH Raise - 4 x 12 reps rest 90 seconds
Strict Ring Dips (add weight if too easy)
30 UB Double Unders *after each set*


  1. Front Squat - 165
    HSPU - 15 each set
    Hang Cleans - 145
    GH raise
    Dips and Doubles - 8:44

  2. A1) 315,330,330,330,330 (lower back and hamstrings still crazy sore from Saturday, had to wear a belt)
    A2) 15 unbroken each
    B) 3 singles at 260, still felt the pain throughout
    C) 12 each no weight
    Didn't keep track of time, just did the workout casually to work on Double Unders with a new rope

  3. Front Squat - 135
    HSPU - 8 per set to 1 ab mat- these need a ton of work
    Hang Cleans - 135
    GH raises
    Dips and Doubles- the strict dips almost ruined my life lol- they took me forever, did all in sets of 2- really focused on keeping my body and core tight.

  4. A1. Front Squat: 200-200-200-200-190 (I dropped to 190 because I felt like I just hitting parallel and my elbows weren't staying up….all of this felt heavy)
    A2. HSPU: 15-15-15-10/5-10/5
    B. Hang Cleans: 115-120-120-120-120
    C. GH Raised
    D. Ring Dips and DU (not for time b/c I was trying out weighted ring dips for the first time)
    -Ring Dips: 7 w/10# chain- 6 with 20#, 5 w/26 #, 4 w/26#, 3 w/26#, 2 w/35 #, 1 w/44#
    -all the doubles were unbroken

  5. Feeling VERY off day...legs were super sore and doing all these squats after a busy day of work...was not feeling it.

    A. 225/15 x 5
    First set 9/6, rest unbroken on hspu
    B. Hang Cln 5×2 @ 85%
    = 168, 177, 177(1), 177 (1)
    Only did 4 sets, since I kept failing and hamstrings were killer every time I did position 2 on the clean
    C. GH Raise
    D. 7-6-5-4-3-2-1
    Weighted ring dips (35#)
    30 doubles after each
    = COMPLETE. Should've gone heavier on the weight, each double unbroken

    My hamstrings are super sore… could not clean properly and the front squats at 85% felt very heavy… unusual for 225...

  6. A1) front squat 155 for 3 rounds
    Dropped to 145 for last 2 rounds... Knees were caving in!
    A2) HSPU RX for about 5-8 then one ab mat for last reps

    B) hang cleans 105-105-110-105-105
    Dropped bc I wasn't dropping gast enough, too slow
    C) GH raises completed 12 each round
    D) doubles at first no Bueno then after a round or two of them unbroken
    Ring dips off two boxes to build more strength

  7. A: 205 - 6-6. 205 - 6,3. 205 - 5-3
    205-4-3. 205 4-3
    B: 190-190-190-195-195
    C: x
    D: never got 30 but got 7 full rds above 20. Best was 27.

  8. A1. FS 5x 1,1 : 125, 125, 135, 135, 140
    A2. HSPU (kipping) 5 x 12 (all unbroken to floor)
    B. Hang Cleans 5x2: 105, 125, 120, 120, 120 (125 felt super heavy on my legs, but dropping down 5lbs to 120 felt great, so stuck with that weight)
    C. GH raise 4 x 12
    D. Ring dips and 30 DUs - i did not go for time, as i attempted weighted ring dips as well (darn Melissa!). all DUs were unbroken, dip weight was 7 (10lbs); 6 (20 lbs); 5, 4, 3 (all at 26 lbs), 2 and 1, i attempted 35lbs but could not get it so just did my body weight.

  9. A1) all at 275
    A2) all 15 reps
    B) all at 225
    C) all sets unweighted
    D) 4:52. Hit my feet on the 28th DU in round 5 and had to start over

  10. A1: 130, 130, 135, 135, 140
    A2: 10/2, 12, 12, 12, 12
    B: 120 for all
    C: back tender from DLs.. Skipped
    D: 6:56 (only 3 rounds of unbroken DUs)

  11. A1: All @ 275
    A2: 5 × 12
    B: 225, 225, 225 (1), 225 (1), 225 lost grip on 3rd and 4th round
    C: 1 set...sore lower back
    D: 4:21 all unbroken

  12. Mobility

    A1. Front Squat - 5 x 1.1 -->rest 15 sec b/w @ 85-90% 1RM (234-248lbs) [sub: hack squat]

    A2. HSPUs - 5 x 12-15 reps [sub: ring rows pull to the ribs, feet on a box]

    -->rest 2 min

    Result: 225 lbs, 235 lbs x 3, 245 lbs + 10 ring rows after each

    *feel like a dumbass having to modify everything, but the hack squats worked fairly well--got quite low on each, and I wanted to work on this muscle-up progression, anyway*

    Hang Clean [sub: pull as high as I can off the floor, off hips--to just before turnover/3rd pull]

    Result: worked to 245 lbs

    *felt very heavy, didn't seem like I could pull it very high at all :-( *

    GH Raises - 4 x 12 reps -->rest 90 sec

    For time - 7 down to 1:

    strict ring dips
    30 unbroken double unders after each set of dips

    Result: 6:44

    *new rope+doing it in lifters (to simulate upcoming comp) made for a few misses, but I'm getting better with the new rope*

    injury update: has hurt each morning waking up, so I wore a wrap to bed last evening to make sure it's not bending while I'm sleeping; not doing anything which might test it--at gym or in my daily travels (which is tough when you're traveling NYC transit)

  13. A1) 165, 165, 165, 170, 170
    A2) All 15 and ALL unbroken! WOOT!
    B) 135, 135, 135, 140, 140
    C) done
    D) 8:14

  14. A1) 265 for 4 of them .. Tried 270 once and was heavy so went back to 265
    A2) 15 reps for all. First 3 sets unbroken
    B) 225 for 4 and 230 for last
    C) 4x12 no weight
    D) 4:04 (tripped on one set at rep 15)

  15. A1. Front Squat Cluster - 135,145, 160 , 165 (x1), 160
    A2. HSPU (kipping) try to keep them unbroken for the most of the rounds but would die out around 8.
    B. Hang Cleans - 135,140 (x1),140,140(x1)
    C. Done
    Strict Ring Dips -- I stink at ring dips.
    30 UB Double Unders *after each set*
