
Session 1: (CFW Class WOD - conditioning only)
Deadlift 275/185
Toes to Bar

Session 2: (1pm WOD if you can)
4 rounds:
Run 500m
5 Squat Snatch 185/125 (or @ 75% of 1RM)
15 C2B Pull-Ups
5 Power Snatch 185/125 (or weight same as above)


  1. 42:31

    Well for the first time I went up in weight on the snatch!
    One round at 65 then at 70 for the rest. All from the hang.
    These felt really good but it is crazy how if I did these right with correct technique how heavy I could go!

    HSPU felt good too.
    C2B oye vey chipped away one at a time, that's my new goal get these!

  2. Session 2:
    Time: 36:36
    -Snatches were done at 75 pounds and were a mess. I was really off with them today and probably should of just went to a lighter weight since I couldn't really squat snatch them.
    -C2B and HSPU felt great. All of the HSPU were unbroken

    Class Wod:
    Time: 8:02
    -Felt great on the round of 21 and 9
    -For the round of 15 I lost my grip on the deadlift and lost my kip on the ttb

    -Definitely looking forward to rest day tomorrow!

  3. Session 1 (comp wod) - 31:07
    -Squat snatches were slow - focused on efficiency - 4th round was the fastest I did them. c2b and hspu felt smooth (gotta thank mikey and kate and their gymnastics class for this)

    Session 2 (cfw class conditioning: 7:11
    -Could've def finished faster but legs were tired from session 1, but really I probably just got in my head, oh well

  4. Class WOD: 5:50
    4 rounds: 43:21 @95

  5. Class workout- 3:58
    At 1 did the 21-15-9 WOD from the games, 8:16, didn't warm up enough

  6. Session 1

    Session 2: partner WODs with Andy
    1) AMRAP 4
    Snatch 155

    14 reps

    2) AMRAP 6
    6 power snatches 155
    9 ring dips
    18 box jump overs

    3 rounds + 20 reps

    3) AMRAP 8
    10 OHS 135
    20 KBS 70
    30 WB 20 lbs ball

    2 rounds + 54 reps

    4) AMRAP 10
    Row 500m
    50 DUs
    10 thrusters 135

    3 rounds + 168 meters

  7. Class wod: 3:12 @ 135 to save the lumbaaaa

    Comp partner wod (w/Craig) (all @ 85lbs for me)
    - 22 (probably should have went heavier)
    - 4 + 1
    - 3 + 14 (OHS felt good, no hyperextension)
    - 3 + 44m

    Really love that we did a team wod at 1pm.. Thanks Chris for switching it up. So much fun.

  8. Class WOD - 5:5th

    Partner WOD - See Kate's comment. Really liking the partner wods. Its awesome, fun, and brings me back to the team sport mentality.

  9. *Early Morning Class Workout*

    21 - 15 - 9 reps of:

    deadlifts @ 275 lbs

    Result: 6:44

    *came off as I would have expected; deadlifts weren't a problem (275lbs for volume is in my wheelhouse)--just paced them as to keep from smoking myself for the dreaded T2Bs; the T2Bs came off as expected (poor)--no good kipping, just tried to keep moving as best I could with my terrible double swings and frequent dropping off the bar; must continue to work on kipping, as this sh*t is gettin' old fast*

    *injury report: my wrist was in a lot of pain after this--but from the grip getting fried, not because of the flexing issues, so it didn't linger as it did last Saturday or on Thursday; these movements are tough on the grip, but don't exacerbate my injury ( as do: burpees, pushups, HSPUs, cleans, front squats)*

    *Afternoon Comp Group Workout*

    4 Rounds:

    500 m run
    5 squat snatches @ 75% of 1RM - 125 lbs *ended up being power snatches + OHSs*
    15 chest-to-bar pull-ups
    5 power snatches @ 75% of 1RM - 125 lbs
    15 handstand pushups [sub: ring dips, due to wrist flexing problems]

    Result: 37:21

    *pretty happy with this, didn't feel a hangover from the morning; kept moving pretty well, the snatches got easier as the workout went on, but the gymnastics got MUCH tougher; I don't squat snatch above, say, 115 lbs so I had to OHS those*

    *I didn't do the team workouts with the rest of the Comp Team, as I would have made the teams uneven and they were talking about workouts which would have made me a hindrance; I could just have done the above at 7am with the rest of the Comp Team instead of alone, but I just can't recover as quickly as all the younger people--so I needed the several hours rest; I liked the programmed workout and, although it was lonely out there alone doing it, it was the right move*

    *injury report: no problems; movements don't hurt my wrist and I wrapped it so tight that it wasn't going to move much, anyway*

  10. Class WOD: 8:40
    Deadlifts felt good, toes to bar need work! Plus my grip was shot from the workout before.

    Session 2 (which was really Session 1 por moi): 39:15 at 85#

    Fun fun funnnnnn

  11. 21-15-9. 8:27

    Couldn't split so about 10min to set up for 2nd

    Snatches at 125 (this was tough)
    C2B all in sets of 5
    hSPU 6-6-3 each rd.

    Very slow and methodical. Prob due to no rest from first wod.

  12. Class wod 4:41

    Frantasy land
    21,15,9. 95, pull-ups
    15,12,9, 115, c2b
    12,9,6 135, muscleups

    28:12. This was hell

  13. Class WOD session- 5:44. Felt great even after having done session 2 first.

    Session 2 (which was done first): 34:25 (at 75# for snatches). Possibly should have used 80 for snatches?

  14. Session 1:
    Deadlift 175
    Toes to Bar
    Time: 9:34

    Session 2:
    4 rounds:
    Run 500m (Blah)
    5 Squat Snatch (85 for 2 rounds and 94 for last 2 rounds)
    15 C2B Pull-Ups (butterfly getting better -- got a 2 rounds of unbroken 10)
    5 Power Snatch (85 for 2 rounds and 94 for last 2 rounds)
    15 HSPU (got a few rounds of 10 unbroken)
    Time: 45:32
