
Happy 4th of July!

Had this convo with some folks in WP the other day as I noticed most of you guys are either not warming up at all, or just warming up completely wrong.  Please see a sample warmup I do almost everyday.

3-5 minutes - row, run, or bike
15 back extensions
15 situps
10 ring rows
10 push-ups
10 pass throughs
:30 seconds air squats
5 wall squats
:30 seconds samson stretch per side
Mobility - ankles, hips, shoulders (10 minutes total) - hit all areas - spend most time on trouble areas
CrossOver Symmetry or Other Shoulder specific warmup
10-20 minutes workout specific or goat training

All and all the warmup should take anywhere from 15-30 minutes, you should feel loose, and be sweating.  Practice the way you play or you'll play like shit.

A. Back Squat - 4 x 5 @ 60-65% of 1RM rest 2 minutes
B. Snatch Work - 15-20 minutes of practice *hit positions and stay light*
C. Clean & Jerk - 10 singles @ 55-65% *stick split jerk landing for 3 seconds*
For time:
45 Toes to Bar
*sets of 3 UB*


  1. Happy July 4th!!!

    A. Back Squat 4×5 @ 60-65%

    B. 10m snatch work - had to run to work so spent less time on this
    Worked on getting under the bar faster and staying in the bottom - didn't go past 75lbs

    C. C+J 10 singles @ 55-65%
    -worked on keeping my right arm straight (which Dan pointed out that it wasn't fully locked out). The SJ felt better
    D. 45 t2b ( 3 sets of 15 unbroken)
    Completed. Rested 25s in between

  2. A) back squat: 125-130-135-140
    B) 20 min snatch work: 35-45 lbs
    Worked on dropping fast and holding overhead.
    Worked on hit, felt great until I went from the ground!

    C) C and J: 5 at 85 lbs
    5 at 90 lbs

    TTB: 15 sets of 3- 3:51

    Happy 4th all!!!!

  3. A) 4x5 Back Squat @ 65% - 235lbs

    B) 15min snatch work - focused on first pull, hit, and hang snatch

    C) C&J - 10 singles @ 65% - 165lbs

    D) 45 T2B for time (15 sets of 3 unbroken) - 1:50... CRUSHED IT!! :-)

  4. A) BS: 4 x5 @ 115lbs
    B) 15 min snatch work 55-65 lbs
    C) C&J : 10 x 1: 5 at 85 lbs; 5 at 105 lbs
    D0 45 T2B for time (15 sets of 3 unbroken) - 2:14

  5. A- 120
    B- worked very light focusing on opening hips
    C- 95
    D- 1:44. Shoulda had under 1:40 but failed last rep damnit!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. A. Back Squat - 4 x 5 @ 225#

    B. Snatch Work - 15-20 minutes of practice *hit positions and stay light*
    Felt real good. New plates are dope.

    C. Clean & Jerk - 10 singles
    Felt a little unstable on the jerk
    45 T2B = 2:23
    Started getting that shitty swing in between reps

  8. A: 225 all sets
    B: Worked on foot work and not riding the bar down.
    C. 135×3, 145×3, 155×4. Took a few reps to get used to new plated but def like them better. Last few reps jet was a bit wobbly.
    D. 2:15. Last 2 sets of 3 hung on the to the bar but couldn't string 3 together smoothly.

  9. Back squat - 135
    Snatch - worked on positioning with PVC pipe, emtpy bar and 55lbs
    Clean and Jerk - 95
    45 t2b - 2:52

  10. Warmed up for about 20 minutes.

    A) Back Squats at 225.
    B) Snatch work - Did a mix of singles, doubles, triples, full snatch + hang snatch @ 95, 115, 135
    C) C&J - 135x3, 145x3, 155x4
    D) Toes to bar - 1:49
    E) Skill WOD with Chris (5-4-3-2-1 Strict Muscle Ups and Strict Deficit HSPU 4" - 16:26). Was going ahead of Chris for the round of 5-4 and then he smoked me on the last 3 rounds ... beat me by 8 minutes lol

  11. A: 195
    B: 3 pos snatch up to 115 with 5 or so at 115.
    C: 115 (2) 135 (6) 145(2)
    D: 2:20

  12. A- 235
    B- all skill and technique work hitting positions.
    C- 175, 175, 185, 185, 185, 185, 185, 185, 185, 185
    D- 1:20

  13. Back Squat

    4 x 5 @ 65% of 1RM --> rest 2 min between

    Result: 225 lbs

    *wasn't heavy, but knees hurt a bit*


    15 min of work *light/fast/hit positions

    Result: 75 lbs, 95 lbs, 115 lbs

    Clean & Jerk

    10 singles @ 60% - hold split for 3 seconds

    Result: 135 lbs

    *went well - held split for 5 seconds, as I misread the workout*


    45 for time - sets of 3 unbroken

    Result: ~4:10

    *clock SNAFU, don't know time; this was awful, all around--slow, couldn't eliminate double-swing, arms felt like they were going to pop off*

  14. A) 4x5 at 65% - 145#
    B) 20 min skill and technique work in all snatch positions PVC, Empty Bar, up to 65#
    C) 10 C&J Singles at 65% - 105#
    D) 4:13 - hellooooo Weakness.

  15. A: 285
    B: Very Light Pulls and High Pulls
    C: 205
    D: 1:42

  16. A: 140
    B: worked with just the bar,65, and 75# did hang snatch with some 3 OHS after each to work shoulder stability
    C: 105

    Worked out in a regular gym, no place to do TTB
