
A. Push Press - 3 x 5 @ 70% rest 2 minutes
B. EMOM x 14
odd - 2-5 Muscle Ups *sub 7 kipping pull-ups*
even - 2 Snatch Singles (60-65%)
C. 100 Hollow Rocks


  1. Push press: 95-95-100
    Emom 14
    Snatches @ 60lb
    7 kipping pull-ups

    The snatch flew up and felt great.
    Pull-ups i strung 3-5 each time!!!
    Something clicked I thank Jason!!

    Hollow rocks: sets of 15-25

  2. Mobility

    Push Press - 3 x 5 @ 70% (158 lbs) -->rest 2 min

    Result: 1 @ 155 lbs, 2 @ 165 lbs

    *felt heavy, even the early reps--neck/shoulder problems feel somewhat better, but not nearly 100% and it hurts to lock out overhead*

    EMOM 14 min

    even min: 7 pull ups
    odd min: 2 snatches @ 60-65% (99-107 lbs)

    Result: all pull ups unbroken, snatches: 1 @ 105 lbs, 5 @ 115 lbs, 1 @ 125 lbs

    *shoulder felt okay through this, which is a big relief; my kipping has improved dramatically, snatches felt great--all touch 'n go, so I went up in weight--wasn't tough at all*

    Hollow Rocks - 100 for time

    Result: 2:37 *50+10+10+10+10+5+5*

    *thank goodness for de-load week--REALLY needed this!*

  3. Push Press 3x5 : 95/100/100
    EMOM 14: 2 snatches at 75; MUs kipping (1-2-0-2-1-1-1)
    100 hollow rocks

  4. A. Push Press 3×5 @ 70% r:2m
    = 135
    -worked on speed
    B. EMOM 14
    Odd: 2-5 muscle ups
    (2,1,2,1,1,2) – worked on both arms coming through at the same time – good
    Even: 2 sn. Singles @ 60-65% (95#)
    -smoothest ive felt on snatches
    C. 100 hollow rocks
    = 3:37 - 15/15/15/10/5/10/10/5/15

  5. A: 170
    B: Odd- 5,5,5,5,5,4,4
    Even- 140 no misses
    C: Completed

  6. A) 105#
    B) Snatches at 80#, 7 Kipping Pull-ups unbroken every round
    C) 25/25/20/10/10/10

  7. A. Push Press
    145, 145, 145

    B. EMOM
    Odd - Kipping Pull Up: 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 - Could not string together, kept double kipping
    Even - Snatch Singles 60% - 65%
    95 all sets

    C Hollow Rocks
    25, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

  8. A:130
    B: snatch 100
    MU: 0/3, 2/3, 1/3, 1/2, 0/3 -- pullups last 2 rounds
    Pretty happy about this. 1st MU I've hit since the open and was a smidgen away from stringing 2. However, they went away fast and the 5th rd I wasn't gettin high enough to transition so I switched to pullups.
    C: hollow rocks. Pretty tough after the first 50.

  9. A) all at 155
    B) MUs: 5, 5, 4, 4, 5, 3, 5 all in unbroken sets
    Snatches: all at 135
    C) 40-25-35

    MUs felt really good today. First time ive really felt comfortable stringing multiples

  10. Push Press - 110
    EMOM - 7 chest to bar/2 snatch @ 80#
    100 Hollow Rocks

  11. A- 100, 100, 100
    B- snatches @ 65, 3 MUs each round except 1st where I did 2
    C- 30, 20, 30, 20

    Was nice to work light on the snatches working on technique

  12. A. 165
    B. 5,5,5,5,5,4,5 all UB
    Snatches at 100,
    C. 35,30,20,15

  13. A: All @ 155
    B: Snatch @ 115
    MU - 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 3, 3 unbroken
    C: 100 done

    Working on hook grip for snatches. Need to get comfortable with it.

    1. Never thought id live to see the day you hook gripped a bar! Haha

    2. You've been gone for too long. Things are getting crazy over here!

  14. A. @155
    B. MU- 5 unbroken each time (pretty pumped about this)
    C. 100 hollow rocks

  15. A. Push Presses at 100
    B. Snatches at 75, 7 pull ups (worked on butterflies)
    -tried to do muscle ups….but just didn't have them today
    C. 100 hollow rocks done

  16. Worked out with the little engine that could ^
    A: 100#
    B: Snatches 75# and combo of butterflies/kipping
    C: done

  17. A. Push Presses -- 85, 95, 95
    B. Snatches -- 65; Butterflies -- 5
    C. Hollow Rocks

  18. Chris,

    I have a request. Can you provide some warmups for us to do, maybe do a compilation of warmsup for certain movements. I feel like I do the same warmup all the time but would like to change it up a bit so that I stay mobile and injury free.

