
Deload Week

A. Front Squat - 3 x 5 @ 70% of 1RM rest 2 minutes
B. Accumulate - 50 Ring Dips or HSPU *kipping allowed* Do the movement you're weaker at
C. 3 Position Power Clean (high hang, mid thigh, floor) x 7 sets @ 65-70%
D. Back Extensions - 3 x 15 rest 60 seconds


  1. Mobility

    Front Squat - 3 x 5 reps @ 70% of 1RM -->2 min rest between

    Result: 195 lbs

    *felt good - got nice and low*

    Handstand pushups - accumulate 50 reps [sub: linked red bands from the rig]

    Result: 7+7+6+6+4+4+4+4+4+2+2

    *wasn't going to do any, as neck/shoulder are only starting to feel better, but HSPUs didn't seem to impact them; these were tough*

    3 Position Power Cleans - high hang, low hang, floor x 7 sets of the complex @ 70% of 1RM

    Result: all at 165 lbs (72%)

    *I suck from the high hang*

    Back Extensions - 3 x 15 -->1 min rest between

    *can really feel these in my lower back*

  2. A) all at 225
    B) ring dips at 20-15-6-9
    C) all at 185
    D) all with 25# plate

  3. A) all at 135
    B) ring dips - sets of 5 and 4 !! Felt pretty good!!
    C) all at 115
    D) 3x15 bodyweight

    1. Also - did the dips strict. Feel awkward with the kip still and would rather just get stronger at the strict.

  4. Front squat: all at 125
    Dips: these got much better as I went along.
    Strict at first then worked in some kipping.
    Sets of 3-4 then 1-2

    Cleans: all at 85lbs ( was going to go at 95 which I did first set at but then wanted to really focus on speed)
    Really focused on the high hang on the speed and that hitch!!

    Back extensions: 10 lb plate

    Thanks soooooo much to Alex and Jason they watched everything I was doing have encouragement and tons of ques and wants to fix little things.
    They kick ass!

  5. Front Squat: all at 105
    Dips/HSPU- did half and half. Attempted kiping dips, but not great. HSPUs did half strict and half kipping.
    Cleans-- all at 105
    Back extensions- body weight.

  6. A. FS 3×5 @ 70% r:2m
    = 185
    B. 50 hspu
    10 strict / 40 kip
    Left shoulder was bothering me
    C. 3 pos. P. Clean x 7
    - high hang, mid thigh, floor
    = 135
    D. Back extension
    R: 60s
    W/ 25# plate

  7. A. Front Squat 3 sets of 5 reps at 70%
    165, 165, 165
    This felt very good. I am looking forward to testing my 1 RPM.

    B. Accumulate 50 Ring Dips
    10, 10, 8, 5, 7, 5, 6, 4

    C. 3 Position Power Clean

    D. Back Extension 3 sets of 15 reps
    15, 15, 15

  8. A: 135
    B: 25 strict ring dips (I really struggle here), 25 strict HSPU - all to a 10lb plate and ab mat which is actually good for me, sets of 5-8
    C: 105x2, 115x4, 125x1, focused on getting my ass down afap
    D: 3x20 GHD+reverse GHD

  9. A) Front Squat: All at 170.
    B) Dips: 16-10-10-6-8: Tried to do as many strict as possible. Only kipped about 16 reps.
    C) Cleans: All at 155
    D) Back Extensions: 15, 15, 15: Hamstrings were a little tight today

  10. A: 165
    B: hspu. 25 with 2 35's and abmat last 25 with just abmat. 10:05
    C: 4@155 3@165
    D. Done.

    Hspu: was only able to get 2-3 until about 20 then singles. Then fails so I removed the weights from the sides. With just the abmat it was way to get 8-10 even after the earlier fails.

  11. A: 255
    B: 5 sets of 10 strict HSPU
    C: 205
    D: W/ a 35lb plate

  12. Front Squat - 135
    50 dips, mostly kipping with some strict mixed in
    Did about 15 strict and 15 kipping hspu
    Power Clean Complex @ 120
    Back Extensions with 10lb plate

  13. A- 115
    B- 50 HSPUs
    C- 115 floor only
    D- body weight

    Had to do this workout from home and my options were either 45lbs or 115lbs so had to modify the wod a bit. Weight for squats and cleans should have been 105.

  14. A: All @ 205
    B: 50 HSPU
    C: All @ 155
    D: 3×15

  15. A. 205
    B. 50 HSPU (sets of 5). Felt good
    C. 155#
    D. 3x15

  16. A. Front Squats at 155
    B. 10 strict HSPU, 40 kipping ring dips
    C. Cleans: started at 105, but I kept widening my feet every time I finished the clean. I dropped down to 85 and then built back up to 95 to work on getting under the bar quicker rather than having my feet go super wide.
    D. 3 x 15
