
10 minute clock:
Run 1 mile
Find a 1RM Deadlift 

*make sure you have a thorough DL warmup as you'll probably only have 1-2 attempts here*
- rest 30 minutes -
For time:
15 Muscle Ups
150 Double Unders
20 Squat Cleans 225/135
150 Double Unders
15 Muscle Ups
*30 minute cap*
*Make sure you rest the full 30 minutes before WOD 2*

*sub 15 C2B Pull-Ups + 15 Ring Dips for the Muscle Ups*


  1. FYI- update your 1RM dead lift here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aq5fQP29WYa8dFdGRG5HRWNuNlRYcGRFZDZvTnk3NUE&usp=docslist_api

  2. Deadlift: 395 (30# PR)

    Gym im working out at is only open for 1 hr on saturdays so after warming up and hitting the 1st part of the workout i had to leave

  3. Part 1:
    1 mile in 7:17
    Deadlift at 275
    -The deadlift is 30 pound less than my PR. I tried 285 and could not lift the bar.

    Part 2:
    Time: 18:02
    -I was pretty pumped that I could do the cleans at 135 since heavy cleans are challenging for me.
    -Felt good on my c2b and ring dips today

  4. Mobility

    10 min to complete:

    1 mile run for time
    1RM deadlift


    405 lbs

    *run felt very slow; I didn't want to sprint and gas myself completely, but that was too slow of a pace; I failed on my first attempt at 405 (PR = 425 lbs), then waited until 9:45 on the clock and willed it up; tweaked my back in the process*

    -->30 min rest before next part

    For time:

    15 muscle-ups [sub: 15 chest-to-bar pullups + 15 ring dips]
    150 double unders
    20 squat cleans @ 225 lbs [sub: 185 lbs]
    150 double unders
    15 muscle-ups [sub: 15 chest-to-bar pullups + 15 ring dips]

    Result: 23:00

    *C2Bs and the ring dips were okay--kipping work on both has really helped; didn't have great doubles today, but I pushed through; the cleans were awful--I started with 195 lbs, but that wasn't happening, so I dropped down, actually had 15+ misses as I couldn't get under the bar, so I switched to power cleans to get through it, sadly*

  5. 10m cap
    1 mile run: 7:20
    1 deadlift: 335, 345 (1RM = 365)

    Didn’t aim for a true 1rm bc back feels like tweaked from yesterday’s bs (leaned too far forward on the last rep in a struggle to not drop it)

    Rest 30m

    For time:
    15 muscle ups (sub 15 c2b+15rd)
    150 double unders
    20 squat cleans (185) rx: 225
    150 double unders
    15 muscle ups (sub 15 c2b + 15 rd)
    = 16:45
    This felt good. Messed up on the first set of du a lot and they were all over the place. The squat cleans I tried to keep at 1 every 10s and rest 20s every 5 reps. Took me around 7m and the rest went smoothly. I need to work on my muscle up some more (the transition) so I can start doing them in workouts. Gymnastics class has definitely helped in that regard.

  6. Ended up running more than a mile, ran it in 6:40.
    Deadlift: 455, failed the attempt at 500 (485 current PR)

  7. 10 min. Cap

    I mile run: 7:31
    Matched my dead lift PR: 265 lbs

    For time: 25:50

    C2b were one at a time and didn't feel great
    Ring dips strict off 2 boxes feeling good on these

    Squat cleans at about 80% 105lbs
    These felt really strong- fast elbows, squats felt good

    Double Unders: did small sets of 10-25 and very fast breaks which went quickly

  8. Part I:
    7:53 mile PR. Figured I'd push it as best as I could since I wasn't doing DLs. Breathing was tough in this weather.

    Part II:
    15 MUs (3, 2, 2, 1s) - 3:24
    150 DUs (15x10) - 7:40
    20 SCs (105lbs/80%) - 14:16
    150 DUs (10x15) - 19:03
    15 MUs (1s) - 23:15

    I felt my breathing and shoulders in the DUs immediately, so decided to do small sets immediately. I can't believe I'm saying this but Squat Cleans actually felt OK (whoa!). I changed shoes before and after for them though. MUs are starting to come back.

  9. Part 1.
    Mile 5:35
    DL 405. Failed at 455. PR is 440

    Part 2. RX 20.29.

    This shit was awesome.
    15 muscle ups. 1:
    150 Dubs 3:49
    20 cleans finish around 15 minutes.
    Didn't keep track of last two movements.

  10. 7:40 mile
    275 Deadlift - 10lb PR

    Attempted muscle ups with Vin giving me a little boost. Did 5 and then couldnt dip out. Finished with chest to bar and dips.
    Everything felt great except the dips. Love Saturdays.

  11. Finished mile at 7:27 and then got a 5lb PR with 1 attempt at 460lbs.

    Finished everything RX at 21:40

  12. Mile - 6:10 almost got hit by a car at the gas station. Don't they know I'm working out?
    DL - 1 @ 425, 1 @ 445. I don't know my 1RM DL so this was experimental. Think I had more in me.

    RX @ 23:51 - was disappointed in the amount of time it took me to finish the cleans

  13. I've gotta say - 6 weeks into this program and some of the results are even beginning to shock me. People are getting strong! Some of you guys are PRing or getting close to matching DL 1RM's after running a mile - that's impressive. Not to mention we now have 4 girls that have gotten or can do Muscle Ups. Most of the ladies can now do HSPU, Ring Dips, Pull-Ups etc and everyone is getting better at weightlifting. So far so good. Remember this is a long process and be happy with the small victories. That being said - going forward if I say squat cleans, or squat snatches - go as heavy as you can but it must be a SQUAT version of the lift. Do not let you ego get in the way. I've noticed this has happened on several workouts and lifts. Trust the process and keep progressing.


  14. Mile 8:04

    Deadlift 375-397. Pr is 415.

    Failed the first MU so c2b and ring dips
    Cleans at 205. Proud of this. Took about 11min. My 1rm is 225. Only failed one rep.
    Double unders stunk.

  15. Mile competed in 6:36
    Deadlift 545lbs
    MetCon: 25:32 moved slow methodical

  16. Mile: 7:25 (approx)
    Deadlift: 280# (35# PR)
    27:14....this was a tough one for me with the C2B and Ring Dips.. but I did it. I cursed a lot, I cursed loudly, but I did it. Need to learn to kip the dips because they were all strict. The squat cleans felt pretty good. Failed two or three, but got right back under the bar. Doubles were doubles. Appreciated the love from the group!

  17. Mile 7:05
    Deadlift: 405, 415 *PR

    C2B - Felt strong and was able to kip but need to focus on stringing them together

    RD - I'm shocked that I am able to do this now. At the start of the program I was barely able to hold. I can now do 15UB. I am going to ask someone next week to watch me do this just to make sure I'm doing it correctly.

    Double Unders: Today I PR with 25 DU. Still need a lot of work but I do see a lot of improvement. But this is the move that really slowed be down. My goal was to hit 10 DU at a time. New to improve on this.

    Power Squat Clean: I made a mistake with the weight. I selected 175 and should have increased the weight.

  18. Mile: 7:14 (should have ran this faster)
    Deadlift: 525lbs (PR 600lbs)
    Metcon : 24:44 (C2B & Dips instead of the MUs)

  19. Mile: 7:17
    1 rm dead lift: 270 (5 lbs less than PR over a year ago)
    Metcon: 19:44. Squat cleans were at 115. Legs were shaking by 10th rep. Every other part of workout was ok, though had to break up DUs into 50-40-30-30.
