
A. Back Squat @ 32X1 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 rest 2 minutes *heavier than week 2*
B. Snatch - 5 singles @ 80%, 5 singles @ 65%
C. Clean & Jerk - 5 singles @ 80%, 5 singles @ 65%
Skill Practice:
20-30 minutes (practice any gymnastics skill movements here)


  1. Mobility

    Back Squat - 5 x 4 reps @ tempo 32X1

    Result: 225 lbs, 235 lbs x 2, 245 lbs x 2

    *didn't feel especially strong, but an improvement over last week; tough getting out of the hole after 2 sec on the 3rd and 4th reps each time, but I kept good form and stuck to the tempo*

    Snatch - 5 singles @ 80% of 1RM, 5 @ 65% of 1RM

    Result: 132 lbs, 107 lbs

    *powered 4 of 5 @ 132 lbs - just can't get low enough if not really warmed up (which I wasn't); kept good form @ 107 lbs*

    Clean & Jerk - 5 singles @ 80% of 1RM, 5 @ 65% of 1RM

    Result: 191 lbs, 146 lbs

    *first few felt very heavy, but then felt better; still not hitting the front rack on the clean, but going back to old hand position continues to be wonderful*

    Gymnastics Work

    5 min of pistol work *sucked - hamstrings wouldn't allow much after yesterday's row*
    EMOM 10 min - 7 toes-to-bar *timing was poor on the kip--it's as if I learned nothing on Wednesday night*

    *not a good gymnastics effort on this day :-( *

    1. With any kind of gymnastics kipping movements first learned, there will always be on and off days because its a "rhythm" movement and it will take time to get into a consistent "groove". Just keep on pushing through even when the kip is off and I promise it will click! You have already made such improvement.

  2. A) 235, 245, 245, 255, 255
    B) 5@145, 5@120
    C) 5@195, 5@155
    D) chest to bar butterfly pull-ups

  3. A) 130-140-150-160-170
    Felt strong and good... Last 2 reps couldn't hold it for 2 seconds

    B) 5@70
    Ugly and caught 2 in power then OHS it and held it down there

    Felt good! Form there too

    C) 5@105
    Worked on a more diagonal jerk...
    Thx Steven for pointing out that I was too straight legged on jerk!

    D) HS wAlks
    HSPU got them full rx strung 3-4
    Strict pull-ups

  4. A:225,235,240,245,255(2)
    D: HS Tabata holds and negatives.

  5. Back squat 225-225-235-245-245

    Snatch 5@145 5@115
    C+J 5@205 5@165

    Skill work: handstands (walks, holds, push-ups)

  6. A. Back Squat: 165-175-185-195-205
    B. Snatch Singles: 75, 75, 75, 80, 80 then 5 @ 65
    C. Clean and jerk: 5 @ 110, 5@ 90
    D. Muscle up work:
    -I finally got my muscle ups back!!!!!!
    -I was able to get 4 total. :)

  7. A) 265, 275, 285, 285, 295
    B) 5@165, 5@135
    C) 5@195, 5@155

  8. A. BS 5x4 (32x1): all at 135
    B. Snatch singles 80% / 65%: 5 @ 85; 5@75
    C. C&J singles 805 / 65%: 5@ 115; 5@95
    D. a few minutes of butterfly work, then kipping muscle ups. Got three kipping ones today-- not pretty but at least I finally got the kip down.

    1. Yey! Good job Meg. Now that you have the kip you are going to string them easily.

  9. A: 235, 245, 255, 265 (3), 255
    B: 145×5, 115×5
    C: 205×5, 165×5. Ugly at 205
    3 rounds: HSW, 10 strict ring dips, 10 pullups, 10 HSPU

  10. A: 295, 315, 325, 335, 355
    B: 175, 140
    C: 245, 200
    Handstand walks and muscle ups

  11. Back Squat - 135, 145, 155, 165, 175
    Snatch 80%/65% - 110/90
    Clean and Jerk - 130/105
    Worked on muscle ups

  12. A. 265,275,285,300(a weak 2 count), 295
    B. 130,115. It's hit or miss for me. Off day
    C. 225,185. Felt amazing.
    D. Paralette Lsits to handstands.

  13. A: 100, 115, 125, 135, 140(1).
    Over it.

    B: 90, 75.
    Below are two videos. I'm still hyperextending a bit on the elbow (2nd video more). At 75lbs I'm able to get it up with keeping my arms slightly bent, but once I go heavier I really need to throw the bar up there and I don't know how to control the elbow anymore. I need to figure this out as I really don't want to get hurt again or worse dislocate the stupid thing.
    1- http://youtu.be/QWN6hMbHmwk
    2- http://youtu.be/uvtD0Adm9j4

    C: 110, 95.
    I usually go off of my power clean, and that should have been 120/100, but I couldn't stand up from the 120 tonight. Awesome sauce.

    D: 3x15 C2B + MU work.
    Both were super slow but I know my speed will come back with time.

    Note: Alex, thanks so much for the tips in the lifts. And our gymnastics/selfies/videography time was lots of fun. :-)

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  14. A. Back Squat 32X1
    205, 225, 230, 230, 230

    B. Snatch
    110, 95

    C. Clean & Jerk
    155, 115

    D. Handstand walks and holds

  15. A. Back Squat @ 32×1 (5×4) r:2m
    Fought for that last rep - came too far forward on the last rep and back feels a little tweaked.
    B. Snatch – 5 singles @ 80%, 5 singles @ 65%
    = 115, 95
    Need to work on catching lower and faster
    C. Clean & Jerk – 5 singles @ 80% , 5 singles @ 65%
    = 160, 130
    10m muscle up progression work
    10m freestand hs hold and hs walk

    Note: Kate - #letmetakeaselfie Good times.

  16. A) 155, 165, 170, 170, 170
    B) 5x96# (used kilos), 5x85#
    C) 5x130#, 5x105#
    10 min EMOM 3 Strict Pullups
    10 min Muscle Up practice with band
    10 min HSW practice
