
A.Back Squat @ 32X1 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 rest 2 minutes
B. Snatch - 6 singles @ 75%
C. C&J - 6 singles @ 75%
EMOM x 14
odd - 30 seconds kipping hspu
even - 7-12 toes to bar

*I wanted to discuss how the rest of the cycle will be laid out.  As of now you guys are completing week 3.  Every 4th week will be a DELOAD.  A deload week is intentionally put in place to lower intensity and allow your body to recover from nagging injuries.  PLEASE DO NOT ADD extra things in.  It'll feel light, like you're not training hard and that's the point.  Eat, Rest, Recover during week 4.  Weeks 5-7 we will pick it up again followed by and 8th week DELOAD.  Weeks 9-11 we will pick it up and then Week 12 we will test some number before transitioning into phase 2.  I'm very happy so far with all the results and participation.


  1. Mobility - shoulder focus for snatches and front rack

    Front Squat

    5 x 3 @ tempo 32X1 -->rest 2 min between


    225 lbs
    225 lbs
    235 lbs
    235 lbs
    245 lbs

    *this felt very heavy, thought I would have been able to do more, but this was right weight, kept good form through the temp*


    6 singles @ 75% of 1RM

    Result: 135 lbs

    *this was more than 75% and I should have done 125 lbs, as I was not getting a good squat on these; I'm a dumbass*

    Clean & Jerk

    6 singles @ 75% of 1RM

    Result: 175 lbs

    *working on adjusting my grip to bring hands closer, given better mobility - not great, still*

    EMOM - 14 min

    odd min: 30 seconds kipping handstand pushups [sub: to 2 ab mats]
    even min: 7-12 toes-to-bar

    Result: 4 HSPUs first several rounds, then 3, got only 2 last minute; 7 unbroken T2Bs each min

    *this was first time I got kipping HSPUs to 2 ab mats--HUGE improvement in these! hands were ripped up, so T2B were a painful, bloody mess--no registered improvement, something has got to change here*

  2. BS= 125/135/135/135/135
    Snatch = 6 singles @ 85 (working on catching lower...coming along...slowly)
    C&J = 6 singles @ 105 (cleans felt great, jerks were much better as well)
    14 EMOM - odds 30 sec kipping HSPU (13, 11, 10, 11, 10, 10, 10; all unbroken to a half ab mat);
    even T2B (10, 10, 10, 12, 12, 12, 12, all but last set unbroken)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. A:225 all
    D: 10 ttb all but last round (7)
    Hspu. 8-8-6-5-5-3-5

  5. A: 235, 245, 255, 265, 275...stronger every week
    B: 125×6. Zoned in on technique. Nailed em all.
    C: 185×6. Had trouble transitioning to jerk on 3 cleans. Dropped it and re-did rep.
    D.10-12, 10-12, 8-12, 7-12, 6-12, 6-11, 6-10. Where did my HSPU strength go???

  6. A.235 275 290 315 335 Great depth on squat mobility work is paying off.
    B. 125x6 Felt really good. Working on depth and speed under the bar.
    C. 215x2, 225x6 Need to work on jerk transition
    D TTB 7-6-6-6-6-5-5 HSPU (did handstand holds)

  7. A. BS @ 32×1 (5×3) r:2m
    Struggled on the last rep if 245 but otherwise felt solid
    B. Snatch @ 75% – 6 singles
    = 110
    Dana pointed out I was barely hitting below parallel – gonna focus on fixing this issue but otherwise felt smooth.
    C. C+J @ 75% – 6 singles
    = 150
    Still feels like I need to work on my jerk a lot more. Back leg doesnt feel too stable.
    D. EMOM 14
    Odd: 30s kip hspu
    Even: 7-12 t2b
    1- 12/13
    2- 12/13
    3- 12/11
    4- 12/10
    5- 12/10
    6- 12/8
    7- 12/7
    This felt good - shoulders were killer on that last set of hspu!

  8. A 185, 195, 195, 205, 205
    I felt a lot stronger with my squat today. The decent was very controlled and exploded up.

    B. 95, 95, 95, 95, 95 95
    I am seeing some progress with this move due to some extra work at the Oly.

    C. 135, 135, 135, 135, 135, 135
    Split still feels a little weird and need to improve on my getting my elbows through quicker.

    T2B 8 - 10 per round. Able to string these together now...
    HSPU: 4 - 5 per round. Today was my first time kipping and i did better than I expected but still needs a lot of work...

    Looking forward to tomorrow....

  9. A. 155-165-175-185-195
    B. Snatch singles at 75
    C. Clean and Jerk Singles at 100
    D. EMOM 14
    HSPU: 10-11-10-10-10-10-9
    TTB: 12 each round

  10. Back Squat - 125, 135, 145, 145, 155
    Snatch - started at 100 and went down to 95
    Clean and Jerk - 125
    EMOM - hspu/t2b
    8/12, 7/14, 6/13, 6/12, 5/11, 4/10, 4/8

  11. A) 255, 265, 275, 285, 295
    B) 155
    C) 185

    HSPU: 18, 15, 12, 9, 9, 9, 8
    T2B: 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12

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  13. A. BS @32x1 3,3,3,3,3

    B. EMOM 14
    HSPU AMRAP 30 sec
    7-12 TTB
    1.15/20 2.15/20 3.15/20 4.14/15 5.10/12 6.11/15 7.8/15 8. 8/7 9. 8/7 10. 8/7 11. 8/7 12. 8/7 13. 8/7 14. 8/7

    C. 6 Snatch singles @75%
    6 for 6 @185lbs

    D. 6 clean and jerks @75%
    6 for 6 @225lbs

  14. A. Back Squat - 245, 255, 275, 285, 285. Felt strong with these.
    B. Snatch - 3@135, 3@145. Landed all of them.
    C. Clean and Jerk - 185, 195, 185, 185, 195, 195
    D. EMOM 14 - All TTB 12 reps unbroken ... HSPU . 11, 10, 11, 10, 10, 10, 10

  15. A) Backsquats:
    B) snatches; 65
    Worked a lot on moving bar fast and getting under it.
    From the ground felt harder than the hang.

    C) clean and jerk:
    100 for all 6
    Legs felt fatigued

    D) Emom:
    TTB: 8 stayed on bar without dropping to do them
    HSPU: one ab mat
    7-10 reps each time
    These felt great!

  16. Back Squat 32x1- 245,255,265,275,275
    Snatch- 135
    C and J- 195
    D) EMOM- moron did ME tab for first couple sets
    HSPU- 16, 14, 12,10,9,11,11
    TTB- 16,14,13,7, 10, 10, 12

  17. A-95,115,115,125,135
    B - 75
    D - HSPU-10,8,6,8,7,10,6; T2B- 7 each time.
