
Oly Comp (1RM Snatch + 1RM Clean & Jerk)
(optional for Saturday DO NOT COMPLETE ON SUNDAY)
Squat Clean 205/125
Burpee Box Jump Overs 30/24


  1. Took a half hour and worked on Snatch and C&J technique. Didn't go over 100# because I was pretty tired from snatching and C&j-ing late yesterday. Feeling much more comfortable with the lifts - will def be PR-ing in the near future. (Current Squat Snatch PR is 120#, C&J is 160#)
    Then the WOD:
    Finished in 17:07
    Needed to do singles all the way but didn't take too much rest between each. Good workout!

  2. Snatch: 160
    C&J: 215

    No failed attempts on snatch. Actually felt good. C&J was a bit disappointing. 2 misses at 225. Learned from my mistakes.

    Overall it was a good time today. Eye opening experience. There are a lot of strong dudes (and ladies) out there.

  3. Snatch: 135 (Power) - need to focus on catching the bar - get low faster!! (two failed attempts at squat snatch- not a PR)
    C+J: 200 - 5# PR - this felt good.

    Optional wod
    squat cleans (175#)
    burpee box jump overs (30")
    = 19:41

  4. Snatch: 195 tied my PR
    C&J: 245 which was a 10# PR

    Felt like I could have done more on both lifts, but that's why you have to use your 3 attempts wisely
