
A. Back Squat - 10, 10, 10 rest 3 minutes (go based off of feel)
B1. Single Leg Double Dumbbell Deadlift x 8 reps/leg rest 1 minute bt legs
B2. Single Leg Plank Hold x :20 Seconds/side rest 1 minute x 3 sets
C. 300m Sandbag Carry AHAP (1 break allowed during attempt)
Toes to Bar
Wall Ball Shots (20/14)
*treat this like an open WOD and pace accordingly*
CAP @ 20 minutes


  1. A. 225, 247, 255
    B. #40
    C. Heavy red. Dropped at light post then trying to open the door
    D 9:04. Subbed in ghd for t2b

  2. A) 175155,165
    B) @20
    C) @100 dropped at the end of the street and wanted to die FYI
    D) 16:40
    Well my gymnastics isn't getting any better but wall balls felt very good!

  3. A) 85, 105, 115
    B) @20 - done
    C) @80 dropped once
    D) 17:45 - honestly surprised I even finished so I chalked that up as a win

  4. A) 75, 85, 95
    B) @20 - done
    C) @60 dropped once by the door
    D) 15:04 (big sets TTB, small sets of 5 WB)

  5. A. 225, 245, 260
    B1/B2. 30#, 40#x2
    C. 100# one break at driveway on the way back
    D. 11:27 wall balls feel better, used to be major weakness

  6. A. 185, 205, 225
    B. 1@25, 2@35
    C. My back was bothering me, so I went with 80# UB
    D. 11:55 with knee raises. The wall balls felt really good.

  7. A) 205, 225, 245 (very slow and careful - first time back squatting since injury)
    B) 50s
    C) heavy red - 1 drop
    D) 10:13

  8. A. Subbed some sled drags
    B. 25, 30, 30
    C. 80lb bag, no drops.
    D. 15:30. Did the TTB, but did 20-15-10-5 of sandbag to shoulder.
    **I hate ttb. Seriously. Every time I see them programmed I'm immediately mentally defeated-so I did all 100 reps of those darn things,and I thought I wouldn't be able to. Small victories in the day!**

  9. A)135,185,205
    C)100 lbs dropped once on the way back

  10. A. 155, 175, 175
    B1. 40
    B2. done
    C. 100 UB
    D. 13:36
