
A. Strict Press
5 @ 65%
5 @ 75%
5+ @ 85%
rest 2 minutes
*add 5-10# total to your training max from cycle 1*
*for example if week 1 you based your numbers off of a TM of 190# - use 195 or 200# today and for remainder of new cycle*
B. 2 Sets:
Barbell Overhead Hold 155/105 - Max Time
rest as needed
C. 5 sets:
Strict Pull-Ups x :15 Seconds Max Reps into Max Chin Over Bar Hold
rest 2 minutes
D. Every 90 Seconds x 15 minutes
Snatch Pull (just below knee) x 1 + Snatch Pull (mid thigh) x 1 + Snatch (from mid thigh) x 1 - all sets between 70-80%
*this should be one movement from floor to below knee, to mid thigh, then snatch*
300m Sandbag Bearhug Carry 80/60
*go as long as possible without breaking. The second you break turn around and go back inside. Do not continue to 300m mark
if you break*


  1. A)5@65
    B) 1:01
    C) red band
    D) 3@70

    Sandbag carry: full 300m done and then a little extra

  2. A) 5@55, 5@65, 6@73
    B) 1:01, 1:05
    C) 3,4,3,3,3 (originally counted the strict pull up into the hang but BQ and Jon made me feel like a cheater)
    10s, 8s, 10s, 8s, 10s
    D) Done at 75#
    Performed full 300m

  3. A. 85, 110, 7 @ 110
    B. 1:20, 1:30
    C. 5+5sec, 5+10sec, 4+5sec, 4+5sec, 6+6sec
    D. 140
    Walked the 300m with one drop in the way back.

    In a couple of years people will ask you,
    How did you do it?

  4. A. @80, @90, 7@105
    B. 1:07 @115, 1:05 @135 (This is my push press pr, so I know I can surpass it next test)
    C. (All banded) 6 & :03, 6 & :02, 7 & 0:01, 6 & 0:02, 6 & 02
    D. @80
    Dropped the sandbag about halfway up the driveway on the way back.

  5. A) 125, 145, 160x6 (wrist starting to finally heal)
    B) 1:30, 1:18
    C) 9+:20, 7+:12, 7+:12, 7+:10, 6+:10
    D) 165 (9-10, missed 1st rep)
    E) Done - no dropsies

  6. A) 5@115,5@125,3@145
    C) subed with push ups
    E)done didn't drop

  7. A) 5 @65, 5@75, 2@85
    B) 1:00, 1:03
    C) red band 8,7,6,4,3
    Hold: 10,8,8,9,6
    D) 3@70,7@75
    E) 300m

  8. A. 60, 70, 7@75
    B. :50sec, 1:15
    C. Strict pullups:5,5,4,4,3
    Hold: :35sec, :30sec, :30sec, :20sec, :25sec
    D. 2@75, 8@80
    E. Sandbag carry done without dropping.
