
A. Banded DL at 50% of TM (use red or blue band) 10 sets of 2 rest 60 seconds
B. Halting Clean Grip DL 5 x 3 @ 75-80% rest 2:00 (first pull to knee, pause 2 seconds feel tension in hamstrings)
C. Banded Good Mornings x 100 reps
3 rounds:
20 Squat Cleans 95/65
20 Burpees


  1. A)@125 with red and purple band
    B) @110
    C) done with green band and they were not fun!!

    3 rounds completed in 10:26
    Round 1: sets of 5
    Round 2:6 sets of 3 and 2
    Round 3: 3,3,3,3,2,2, last 4 quick singles

    ended very dramatically for me lol

  2. A. @155. Should've done 165 but messed up.
    B. @180
    C. Blue band
    D. 13:48

  3. A. @130lb with blue band.
    B. @115lb
    C. Done with blue band
    D. 8:38 @ RX (for squat cleans, did: 12/8, then 8/7/5, and 8/7/5.)

  4. A. 170 / Blue band
    B. 180
    C. Blue band
    D. 9:22 RX (Darn you Sandra!)

  5. A) 105 with a blue band
    B) 105 (conveniently)
    C) blue band

    Was in MA today so joined forces with the BF and did other wods:
    21-15-9 stone cleans @ 65#, strict KB press w/ 26# KBs - 10:53 (love me some stones)
    21-18-15-12-9-6 burpees, hollow rocks with PVC pipe overhead - 9:33

  6. A. @125 with red and orange
    B. @125
    C. Blue band
    D. 12:16 RX

  7. A)@165 with blue band
    B) @180
    C) green band
    D) 10:39

  8. Forgot to post this yesterday.

    A. @141.5 wuth blue band
    B. @110
    C. Green band
    D. My knee is really bothering me when squatting with anything in the front, so I did back squats @115 alongside the burpees. 9:26
