
A. Close Grip Bench @ 3112 5, 5, 5, 5 rest 2 minutes
B. Power Snatch x 1 + Snatch Balance x 1 + Snatch x 1 TNG Reps x 7 sets *building*
C. Half Kneeling SA KB Bottoms up Press x 6/arm rest 1 minute x 4 sets
D. Dumbbell Tate Press 3 x 20 reps rest 60 seconds
E. 20 minutes Skill Specific Skill Work - athlete choice


  1. Class WOD
    A) Worked up to 185 power snatch from pause at knee (20# PR from whenever the last time was I attempted a power snatch)
    B) 6:09

  2. A. 85, 105, 115, 125
    B. 85, 95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145 (last one took 3 tries but I got it)
    C. Done
    D. Done
    E. Doubles
