
A. Tall Jerk - 3 x 5 (use as a warmup)
B. Split Jerk x 2 reps @ 80% of 1RM - every 2 minutes x 20 minutes (pause in catch for 3 seconds on second rep)
C1. Kipping Ring Dip x 5-15 reps (depending where you're at with these) rest 30 seconds
C2. Max UB Toes to Bar rest 2 minutes x 4 sets
D. Turkish Getup x 100 reps (pick a super light weight and get aerobic) - this should take 20-30 mintues


  1. 75
    9,10, 9 dips
    25, 20, 11 toes to bar

  2. Em, you're a G on the TTB today!

    A. 65
    B. 145
    C. 12,11/10,10/10,10/10,10
    D. #10
    Been sick. Did class wod yesterday and got my ass handed to me. Feeling better tho.
