
A. Floor Press - 9 x 3 (3 wide, 3 middle, 3 narrow) rest 30 seconds @ 50% of 1RM (focus on speed)
B. Bench Press 1 x 8 reps @ 5# heavier than last week
C1. 30 Russian KB Swings AHAP rest 15 seconds
C2. 12 UB Chest 2 Bar Pull-Ups rest 2 minutes x 4 (or max UB up to 12)
D. HS Walk x 100 meters or 10 minutes of practice
3 sets:
500m Run
15 Burpee Box Jump + Step Down 24/20
6/3 Muscle Ups
rest 1:1


  1. A) 75# (extra round of this for good luck)
    B) 105 (needed help with the last three reps, I little worse than last week #sigh)
    C1/2) all kb unbroken at 53#, banded strict c2b
    D) done
    (Subbed muscle ups for 6, 9, 12 ring dips)
    4:26, 5:13, 5:38

  2. 75
    Got all KB at 53, chest to bar was 9, 3, 4, 4

    5:33 2-1 MU
    5:12 all three MU in a row :) (PR!)
    5:45 all 3

  3. 55
    All KB swings at 35 c2b was 6,6,5,6
    All with modified MU

    I did my first free standing handstand and almost, kinda 2 steps

  4. A) 75 (did 9 sets because I'm a dum dum)
    B) 85 (because I was tired from being a dum dum above)
    C) 53 and 5, 5, 5, 5 for the c2b
    D) made some progress with balance and walking 3 steps at a time

    3 rounds 500 m row 15 burpee bj (there were kids doing oly by the rings oh well. also didn't want to get locked out so I rowed)

    Cash out: organized the kettlebells!
