
A. Front Squat - 1RM
B. Tall Snatch - 3 x 5 *light* - focus on speed under bar
C. Snatch - 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1 *building* rest 90 seconds between sets (TNG here)
D1. Back Extension Hold x 45 seconds
D2. Weighted GHD Situp (20/14 medball) x 10-12 reps rest 2 minutes x 3


  1. 185 (old PR is 215)
    Skipped snatches, trying to let wrist heal
    Done and done

  2. A) 325 (10# PR)
    B) 65, 75, 85
    C) 135, 145, 155, 165, 165, 175
    D-E) Done

  3. A) 215# (5# below previous 1RM)
    B) 60#
    C) 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100
    D) sub pr-ed snatch @ 110#, power snatch @ 115#

  4. Symmetry
    3 rounds 8 lateral step up with 20
    5 back extension
    15 GHD
    A. Skipped. Can't walk from comp
    B. Did power tall snatches with Lindsey and Dana
    C. Skipped
    D. Done

  5. A. 195 (PR is 220…knee still not feeling 100%)
    B. 55
    C. worked up to 105
    D1 and D2. Done

  6. A. Matched PR - 305
    B. 65, 75, 75
    C. Worked up to 165
    D. Done
