
A. Convential Deadlift (3" deficit) - 3RM
B. Squat Safety Bar Good Mornings 3 x 8 AHAP (use straight bar if no SSB)
C. Sotts Press - 3 x 5 *light* focus on upright torso (5% heavier than last week)
D. EMOM x 10 Minutes - Hang Snatch @ 75% (3 second pause in catch)
E1. SL Stiff Legged BB Deadlift 3 x 10/Leg
E2. GHD Situps 3 x 10-15 reps (against banded tension) rest 1 minute
3 minutes Assault Bike @ 85-90% effort
1 minute rest x 5 sets


  1. A. 225. Was my 1RM a year ago. Really stoked on my progress since I came here almost a year ago
    B. 95. 115. 135.
    C. 30. Still feels awkward. Gunna start putting these in my warmups with a PVC pipe to get better
    D. 85. 10/10. Felt really good. Definitely need work to stop pulling the bar back at the bottom though.
    E1. 45. 65. 65
    E2. Blue band

  2. DL - 185 for three, 215 for two didn't like how my back was feeling so stopped
    Good Mornings - 75, 85, 95
    Sotts - 55
    Hang Snatch - 100
    Stiff Leg - 75
    GHD - 15, blue band
    3 min rows - all right about 700 meters

    Accessory - 10,10,20,20,30,20,20,10,10 two trips
    BB step ups - 45lb bar
    Seated Good Mornings - 45lb bar

  3. A. 245 for 3
    B. 85 for all three sets
    C. 65, 75, 80
    D. 125
    E1. 65
    E2. 3x15 blue band
    Row: done.

    Accessory work: done

  4. 3x50 UN du. Done

    3RM 375. Fucking right. Tested over summer was 340 no deficit.
    125 for all 3
    Sotts. 100
    Snatch work at 110
    Stiff leg 95
    3x15 blue band
    5x15 second at bottom of OHS. Bar.
    75 Jolll rocks
    75 arch rocks

  5. A) 345 - didn't try higher
    B) SSB + 90#
    C) 50 - progress
    D) 155 - no misses
    E) 95 / 15 GHD unbranded
    F) 60 cals, 50, 47, 46, 46

  6. A) 3RM- 225# (245# for 1)
    B) 65#
    C) 50#, 60#, 60#
    D) 85#
    E1) 55#
    E2) subbed ghd sit-ups for 3 x 15 weighted sit-ups (45#)
