
A. Floor Press - 9 x 3 @ 70% rest 30 seconds
B. Strict Weighted Pull-Up (1 second pause chin over top) - 3 x 5 reps rest 90 seconds
C. Pendlay Row - 4 x 5 AHAP rest 60 seconds *building*
D. Feet Elevated Inverted Row 3 x Max Reps (underhand grip)
5 rounds:
3 Front Squat (205/125) *from floor*
20 second L-Sit
4/2 Muscle Ups
Chest Supported Rear Delt Fly


  1. 500 ME row cold. 1:31.

    3x8 muscle up catch in the dip, no dip

    Floor press. 135 9x3
    Pendlay row 135,155,155,155, 4x5
    Inverted row ME 22,20,15
    Metcon- 8:25
    FS- all UB
    L sit all split up to 10 sec with 5 sec break
    Muscle up UB,UB, 2,2
    3 sets
    20 windshield washers
    15 chest supported rows
    50 pull aparts

  2. A. 115
    B. 26# KB
    C. 105, 125, 135, 145
    D. 15, 16, 12
    E. 8:12 @ 135#. Unbroken on muscle ups first two rounds, went downhill from there.
    F. Done

  3. A) 185
    B) 44×2, 35
    C) 115, 125, 135×2
    D) 12, 10, 8
    E) 13:42 - excuse time: my elbows felt so bad doing the MUs. Hopefully it's because I haven't done them in awhile.
    F) 5# plates

  4. I did an hour of split jerk work in oly instead of A-D. This was really helpful tonight.

    Metcon: 9:52

  5. A) 135x3 , 155x6
    B) 44 for all 3 UB
    C) 115, 125, 135, 135
    D) 12, 10, 8
    E) 11:04 - L sits KILLED me. Tried to maintain upright torso and legs straight in front of me.
    F) 5# plates

  6. Did this tonight
    Floor press - up to 85, right shoulder felt dicey so stayed at 65
    Weighted pull ups - 26lb kettle bell
    Pendlay row - up to 95
    Underhand row - 12,12,12
    Metcon - 12:20, muscle ups weren't there today, went to chest to bar half way through
    Flys - 10lbs

    Did half of accessory work due to time
