

Please comment below if you plan on continuing to follow our sport programming, and when you'd like to pick back up.


  1. I'd like to continue for the foreseeable future. Don't know who else will be around though.

  2. I liked the programming and I would like to continue it. My conditioning improved significantly. Looking to revise my goals and work on weaknesses.

  3. I'll be joining in as well. Excited to get started!

  4. TBD.

    To see the kind of athlete I was a year ago to now definitely shows that the program works. Because of this, I want to continue. I also really can't see myself going back to just class WOD's.

    However, the late nights, while we did get used to them, were tough. The main thing for me was recovery. Monday's we didn't finish until almost 11PM. Tuesday/Thursday's we would have to wait until Oly was done at 9PM to do our conditioning pieces. This made getting a decent nights sleep almost impossible having to wake up at 6AM.

    If there was some way around this I would be down to continue.

  5. I would like to continue soon. I do agree with Steven's comments as well.
