
Final 4 weeks leading into Phase 3 - I'll be adding an optional conditioning workout 3x per week.

AM (Conditioning Optional)
30 seconds RUN
30 seconds JOG
x 20

A. Every 30 seconds for 15 minutes (10 reps of each)
Interval 1: Snatch Balance
Interval 2: Hang Snatch
Interval 3: Snatch
*all at 65-70% of 1RM Snatch*
B. Clean & Jerk - 10 singles @ 75%
C. Front Squat 4 x 5 @ 80%
D1. Back Extensions (2 second pause extended) 3 x 15
D2. Weighted Plank Hold x 30 seconds
rest 60 seconds x 3 sets


  1. A)165
    C)310 (only did 4 last set)
    D) planks with 45lbs

  2. A. 105
    B. 135
    C. 70
    Plank w/25

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. A. Snatch Complex at 120
    B. Clean and Jerks at 175
    C. Front Squats at 245

  5. A- Oly class. Was a bit off today so messed with my technique and did a shit ton of singles at 65 lbs (55%)
    B- 115
    C- 125
    D2- 45lbs

  6. Snatch complex at 155. Clean an jerks 205. Front squats 245 an last set 255. Did 3 muscle up emom for 7 mins did 4 the last set

  7. No running. Woke up for it and didn't get out of bed. Just need to get used to the early hours.

    A: Did snatch oly work before comp so did 2 snatch balances every interval at 135. Need work on those.
    B: All @ 175
    C: All @ 255. Failed 5th rep on 3rd and 4th set.
    D: Done
    E: Done at home not weighted

    Worked 3 rounds of MU with jrod.

    My sleeping and eating have been really off lately and I'm feeling the effects of it. Apparently I look like shit too. Gotta recover for ECC part 2.
