
A. Every 45 seconds x 18 minutes (8 reps of each)
Interval 1 (45s) – Snatch Balance x 1 rep
Interval 2 (90s) – Hang Snatch x 1 rep
Interval 3 (135s) – Snatch x 1 rep
*all at 75-80% of your 1-RM Snatch*
B. Every 2 minutes x 12 minutes
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep @ 85%
C. Front Squat 4 x 3 @ 90% rest as needed
D1. Back Extensions (2 second pause extended) x 10 reps *add weight*
D2. Weighted Plank Hold x 60 seconds
rest 60 seconds x 3 sets


  1. A.120
    B.4@155, 2@160
    D1.15 plate
    D2.45 plate

  2. Palm still ripped and tender, was hurting throughout the workout
    A) Palm was in a lot of pain every time in the receiving positon. Settled for two light snatches at 185
    B) 260 no misses (cleans felt amazing)
    C) Supposed to do 345 but was Mentally out of it and hips were tight. Did 4x3 at 315
    D) 35+70

  3. A- oly class focusing between 75-85% (85-100)
    B- unfortunately didn't have time. not happy about that as I haven't done these in like 3 weeks.

    At home:
    C- 145 (these. were. hard.)
    D1- subbed 100 supermans
    D2- 45

  4. Snatch work before class.

    A: 155. Did snatch balance for each interval to work on overhead mobility.
    B: 205. Went 3-6. 3-6 @ 85%. Seems like my C&J are getting worse.
    C: 3 @ 265, 1 @ 275

    I'm not around tomorrow and Wed is rest day. That's 2 days to get my mind right.

  5. Snatches - 105
    Clean and jerk - 140
    Front Squat - 135
    Plank with 25lb plate

  6. A. Did the snatches all at 135. Felt good.
    B. Did clean and jerks at 205.
    C. Front squats - 3 sets at 265 and last set at 275.
