
A. Snatch
3 singles @ 82%
2 singles @ 87%
1 single @ 92%
B. C&J
3 singles @ 82%
2 singles @ 87%
1 single @ 92%
C. Back Squat
5 x 2 @ 87% rest as needed
30 seconds G2O 135/95
30 seconds Burpees Over Bar
300m Sprint
rest 6 minutes x 3 sets
*the above at 100%*


  1. A: 140-148-158. Easy
    B: 175-190-200. Easy
    C: 1 set @265. Felt a crick in 2nd set. Didn't do any more.

    D: the row wod from yesterday (posted there)

  2. A. 121, 127, 131
    B. 175, 187, 197
    C. 265
    1- 2:40
    2- 2:34
    3- 2:33

  3. A. 110, 115, 125....getting way more consistent with heavier weight which is fabbbb
    B. 135, 145, 150
    C. 200
    D. Did it, didn't mark times but got 8-9 ground to over head per round

  4. Shoulders crazy sore going into the workout
    A) 185,195, 210
    B) 250, 265, 280 (too light-headed to even attempt the jerk)
    C) 385 (hit all reps but feeling weak)
    Completed without the run, shorter rest between each round

  5. A- 95, 100, 105 no misses*
    B- 125, 130, 140**
    C- 155, 160, 165, 165, 165***
    D- DNF

    *was determined to hit a PR and did so at 120 (+5lbs). 125 was a bit horrendous and scary. BW is 123 so I really, really want to hit a 100% BW snatch soon!

    **a little frustrated with these BC I feel like I never get to practice heavy jerks BC I struggle so much on the clean.

    ***bounced around a bit on these as a don't believe that my last tested back squat is true (......)

  6. Benched with Lena - 5-5-3-3-3
    155, 165, 175, 185, 190

    A. Snatch - 3 @ 150, 2 @ 160, 1 @ 170
    B. CnJ - 3@ 195, 2@205, 1@225 (failed jerk) =\
    C. Back Squats 5x2 @ 305. These felt super heavy.
    D. 1) 9 g2o + 9 burpees over bar and came back from run at 2:57
    2) 10 g2o + 9 burpees over bar and came back from run at 2:49
    3) 10g2o + 11 burpees over bar and came back from run at 2:44

    Lifts felt bad today. I felt kind of weak. My conditioning piece got better as the rounds went on.

  7. 10/10
    A. Snatch
    3 singles - 95
    2 singles - 105
    1 single - 110
    Did not want to go that heavy because my first day back doing snatch... Almost no pain but still need to order my wrist wraps...

    B. C&J - could not do... Wrist still hurts when I catch. It feels better and so far only bothers me when I'm in this position.
    3 singles @ 82%
    2 singles @ 87%
    1 single @ 92%

    C. Back Squat
    5 x 2 @ 87% rest as needed
    245, 255, 260, 260, 245
    30 seconds G2O 135/95
    30 seconds Burpees Over Bar
    300m Sprint
    10/10 2:27
    10/8 2:33
    5/8 2:25

    rest 6 minutes x 3 sets
    *the above at 100%*

  8. A: 95, 100, 105
    B: 125, 135, 140
    *then decided I wanted to Jerk more than my previous PR of 135, did 140, 145, 150, 155, 160, 165#! failed 170# but Ill get it real soon
    C: 205

    Skipped the rest
