
Shaker Bottle Saturday
Goat Work or Team Training "Low Volume"


  1. Mobility


    100 pull ups
    100 pushups
    100 sit ups
    100 air squats

    Result: 25:25

    *P.R. - 25 second improvement over Feb-13, still loads of room for improvement with the pull ups . . . and just about everything else for that matter*

  2. A. Push Press 4×3 @ 80% (missed this on tuesday)
    = 145 r: prn
    B. Bench Press 5×3
    =155 r:2m
    100 pullups
    100 push ups
    100 sit ups
    100 air squats
    = 17:43

    Had to do pull ups on a shitty pull up rig, kept slipping. Could've def gone faster as pull ups took me over 6m, which is strange for me.
    However, Angie was my first ever real crossfit workout and with cut down reps and scaled from 2.5 years ago, I beat my time of 18:25 in which I only did 50 pull ups w/ a green band and 50 push ups.
