
A. Push Press 4 x 4 @ 75% rest 2 minutes
B. Banded Deadlift - 14 x 1 @ 55% of 1RM (same band as last week) rest 30 seconds
4 sets @ 80%
Row 500m
20 Thrusters 75/55
5 Muscle Ups (Sub 15 C2B)
20 Burpees
5 Muscle Ups (Sub 10 Ring Dips)
60 Double Unders
rest 5 minutes


  1. Should I do the thrusters? Or sub something?

  2. Push Press - 120
    Banded DL - 160 with blue band
    4 rounds - total time was 63:30
    Did muscle ups. 10 attempts per round. Got a total of 4 by myself and last round got 8 with Vin giving me a little boost. Frusterating but know I need to struggle to improve.

  3. Push press 195
    Dead lift 235 with blue band
    Total time 44:40
    All movements UB except last two double unders. 43,17 and 37-23.

  4. A)185
    B)265 with chains
    Had to change it up alot due to time and space constraints
    1st wod- (rest 2 minutes)
    Row 500m, 15 thursters(75lbs), 10 burpees
    2:56, 3:04, 3:18

    2nd wod- (rest 2 minutes)
    12 bar muscle ups, 50 double unders
    Didn't keep track of time but went UB on double unders, did 6+6 for muscle ups

  5. A- 105
    B- 135 w/ red band (went a bit lighter as I'm slowly starting to try to work DLs again)
    C- 54:45 RX

    1. PS - this was one where if Martin, Steven and Craig weren't there I'm not sure I would have done the 4th round. This is what being a team is about - thanks guys!

  6. A. 105
    B. 164

    The next part took me a very long time. Felt good on the first two sets….was being a stubborn meathead on the last two sets. All movements were unbroken except for the muscle ups which were done in singles.
    Round 1: 11:51 (no muscle up fails)
    Round 2: 12:13 (no muscle up fails)
    Round 3: 15:21 (no fails on first set up MU, second set 3 out of 5)
    Round 4: 17:51 (1st set of MU 4/5, 2nd set 4/5)

    In rounds 3 and 4 the MU got hard. I would transition through and just had a really tough time getting out of the false grip….my right wrist kept getting stuck. I definitely need to keep working on pulling lower, especially when I get tired.

  7. A: 170
    B: 255 with blue band
    C: 54:10. Think this was the 1st time I've ever done more than 30 MUs in a wod.

    I know we did strength for 3 months but I'm looking forward to getting our conditioning back.

  8. A) Push press at 170
    B) DL @ 255 with blue band
    C) 7:20, 8:05, 9:45, 9:26 -- This really sucked. Had such a hard time breathing. Need to get conditioning up ASAP.

  9. A) 135
    B) 155 with blue band
    61:15 - I recorded my rounds but for some reason didn't take a pic of the white board. Each round slowly deteriorated - first round was 9:13, second round was almost 11 min, third round was right around 13 min and last round was a good 15 min! I did all chest to bar and each round was able to string the first 5 together which is HUGE for me, so I'll take it. The problem today was (of course) the ring dips. Jay tried to help me kip them but I just can't get the rhythm so they were all strict. This was hard but I like working my weaknesses so was good.

  10. A: 105
    B: 165
    C: 63:16
    1-10:08, 2-11:54, 3-12:48, 4-13:26
    Rowed too hard on the first 2 rounds so I couldn't catch my breath. Second 2 rounds had my breath, but the C2B quickly faded and my ring dips were one at a time. Stayed more consistent than I expected, but I definitely need to learn to shorten my rest between working.

    Definitely appreciated having Melissa there to do this one with me :)

  11. 9/16

    A. Push Press 4 x 4 @ 75% rest 2 minutes
    165, 165, 165, 165

    B. Banded Deadlift - 14 x 1 @ 55% of 1RM (same band as last week) rest 30 seconds

    4 sets @ 80%
    Row 500m
    20 Thrusters 75/55
    5 Muscle Ups (Sub 15 C2B)
    20 Burpees
    5 Muscle Ups (Sub 10 Ring Dips)
    60 Double Unders
    rest 5 minutes
    0:00 - 8:41
    13:41 - 22:54
    27:54 - 40:02
    45:02 - 56:17

  12. A: 145
    B: 225
    C: rd 1. 12:38. Got 9/10 M/U happy bout that.
    rd 2. 10:22. Got 0/10 MU not so happy but glad I attempted all

    Had to stop after 2 rds.

  13. 9/20/14
    September 20, 2014 – 5:40 pm
    Posted in Uncategorized
    Leave a Comment
    A. Push Press 4×4 @ 75%
    = 140
    B. Banded Deadlift 14×1 @ 55% of 1RM r:30s
    = 200
    4 sets @ 80%
    Row 500m
    20 thrusters
    5 muscle ups
    20 burpees
    5 muscle ups
    60 double unders
    = 53:41
    1- 6:56
    2- 9:34
    3- 8:59
    4- 8:12
