
Session 1: 
CFW Class WOD (conditioning ONLY)
"Heavy Squat Clean Grace"
30 C&J *squat* 155/105

Session 2:
TBD after BOTB meeting


  1. Time out Saturday
    A. AMRAP 7 Burpees
    = 103

    B. For time
    100 double unders
    20 front squats (185)
    20 c2b
    20 s2o (155)
    20 c2b
    20 S. Snatch (95) (rx= 135)
    20 c2b
    100 double unders
    = 23:29

    C. Class wod
    Heavy Grace
    30 clean and jerks (155)

  2. Session 1: 7:05 - thanks so much Craig and Jordan for the push on the last 10. I definitely would have been 8 something without it.

    Session 2: 42:00 w/ Emily. RX except for front squats at 105. Emily and I complimented each other well and I hope we can do more partner wods in the future as the energy in the gym was super fun. Whoop!

  3. Heavy Grace - 4:12rx

    Session 2 - 46:25 with Tom P. Good shit today!

    1. You too. Btw your name is on your post. No need to signoff. It's OK though. It's your first post. There's a learning curve for some people.

    2. Lol..got a little over excited for my first post....thought about putting my social security# too.. just in case.

  4. A. AMRAP 7 burpees: 104
    B. 100 DU
    20 front squats (125)
    20 C2B
    20 S2O (105)
    20 C2B
    20 squat snatch (85) *this was more like a squat-ish snatch
    20 C2B
    100 DU

    Time: 23:40

    C. Heavy Grace (105): 7:14

  5. Part 1) Heavy Grace: 5:03

    Part 2) Partner WO with Chris 37:24
    SOOO much fun!!!

  6. Heavy Grace 9:00

    Broke the garage floor. Gonna hafta build a platform now.

  7. Heavy Grace - 4:55

    Workout - 42min rx. Very fun to work with Kate. Look forward to more team oriented stuff.

  8. Heavy Grace: 6:35

    1pm Workout: 42:56 *lots of fun; pretty humbling--haven't had to have a partner carry me in a long, long time; my left wrist is pretty messed up--heat and compression!*
