
A1. Front Squat Cluster - 5 x 1.1.1 (rest 10 seconds between clusters) @ 80%
A2. Ring Dips - 5 x 10-15 (strict or kipping) rest 2 minutes
B. Hang Cleans - 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 @ 80% of 1RM Clean rest 2 minutes
C. Arch Rocks - 3 x 30 seconds hold *accumulate*
3 rounds:
50 Double Unders
10 Pistols (Alt)


  1. A1. Front Squat Cluster - 5 x 1.1.1 (rest 10 seconds between clusters) @ 80%
    A2. Ring Dips - 5 x 10-15 (strict or kipping) rest 2 minutes

    A1 / A2 Results
    205 / 5-5 strict very sore
    215 / 10
    215 / 5-5
    205 / 5
    205 / 5

    B. Hang Cleans - 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 @ 80% of 1RM Clean rest 2 minutes

    B Results

    C. Arch Rocks - 3 x 30 seconds hold *accumulate*
    30 sec
    30 sec
    30 sec

    3 rounds:
    50 Double Unders
    10 Pistols (Alt)
    Do these tonight..

  2. A1: 120 for all
    A2: 10 kipping unbroken for all
    B: 105 for all
    C: done
    D: 3:54

    DUs were a mess today but felt surprisingly strong on FS and HC. Also need to work on my kip on the ring dips... not getting the power that I need from the kip.

    1. PS - based the HC weight off of my SC 1RM, not PC.

  3. Front squat - 155
    Ring Dips - 10 (1st three sets strict, last two mixed)
    Hang Cleans - 140
    Arch Rocks
    Met con - 3:53

  4. A. 215/15 x 5
    Set 4 broke into 10 and 5 RD, and last set 10 strict, 5 kip unbroken
    B. 167×3, 171x,1, 171 (3)
    C. Arch rocks 3x30s hold accumulate
    3 rounds
    50 double unders
    10 pistols
    = 3:03

  5. A1) 155, 165, 165, 17, 170
    A2) 10,10,10,10,10 - all strict but only 1st round unbroken
    B) all 129
    C) competed
    + METCON- 2:43

  6. Skipped front squats I can barely walk.

    Decided to try max double unders. 180

    Did some clean and jerk light work.
    95,95,135,135,165,165,185,185, 215

    Arch rocks. Done

    Metcon. 240. All UB.

  7. Did class wod
    Scaled to muscle ups

    Chris what did you get?

  8. A: 180/12, 180/12. 180/10 180/8 180/12 (Kipping)
    B: 180 all
    C: done
    D: 5:49. But happy cuz I hit 46 du. In rd 1 Which is a pr.

  9. A1: 295
    A2: 15 strict each time
    B: Upper back was absurdly tight and couldn't crack or stretch it. Just did some hang clean singles at 245
    C: Completed

  10. A1: All @ 260
    A2: 15 strict each set except last 5 of 5th set
    B: All @ 210
    C: Done
    D: 2:36
    "Carl's Last WOD" - 5:13

  11. A1. Front Squats all at 170
    A2. 15-11-10-10-10 (all sets unbroken)
    B. Hang Cleans: 100-110-110-115-120
    C. Arch Rocks
    D. 3:31…gotta get better at pistols

  12. A1) all at 260
    A2) 15,13,11,10,10 strict
    B) all at 210
    C) 30s, 30s, 30s
    D) 2:23

  13. A1. Front Squats 145
    A2. 5-5-10-10-8 off the boxes
    B. Hang Cleans: 105, 115, 125, 135, 140 (x2)
    C. Arch Rocks
    D. 5:00
