Team Training

Hey all -

So in light of the many suggestions I have received I plan on doing some of the following things to improve upon what we have already started.

1) Set 1 day per week where I will either come in the early morning, or late evening to work with the White Plains comp people in order to give them some coaching cues and different perspective as to how they should be improving their lifts and technique.  Suggestions welcome to comments.  I'm also willing to alternate mornings and nights.
2) Saturday WOD's I'll now be participating in.  I'd like to get the whole crew together and switch gyms each week and come up with workouts on the spot.  This is a fun and interactive team building exercise which we can partake in weekly.
3) In light of some of the issues with class times, and people feeling like they may be missing out on the camaraderie of classes, as well as also enhancing the community at CFW (you all play a huge role in this) 2 of the WODs per week will be done in 2 parts.  Part A will be strength (off hours), and Part B will be the class conditioning either scaled up or as is.  The idea behind this is to not only improve morale and camaraderie amongst the team members but also give the regular clients at CFW that jolt of competition they are missing.

You may ask how does this work?  If you normally train at 6am (before a 7am class on Monday) - you would do your strength and skill work from 6-7, mobility on the side from 7-730 and then jump into the class piece.  Although not ideal, if you're training at night, you'd do the conditioning portion of the 7pm class, and then do your strength work after.   I think this is the best solution for now to help mitigate any issues that have been going on thus far.  I'll pick fun workouts for you all to partake in.

Lastly, as with everything else this is not a perfect model or system but something that is super important we get a grasp of.  You all are a HUGE part of the community that has been built at CFW, and members that do not currently see you in classes anymore have noticed.  This will be a fun way to integrate you guys back in while not completely diminishing the gains you've made.

Glad to be back and see you all continually progress.



  1. Thank you Chris. Looking forward to all of this :)

  2. I very much want to do some normal classes again. I miss it, a lot, and I feel like a douche when all of my old 6am/7am workout mates roll in and I'm leaving. I'm concerned about the further added complexity that this creates (I'm already having a tough time with making this work), but I'll certainly try my best to make this work, too.

  3. What if we cannot do this new 2 part workout? Will there be other alternatives offered for those that are not able to spend hours at the gym? And I'm with Dan, I do miss the class wods but I don't know how I would be able to swing these hours.

  4. Monica,

    I'd recommend just doing the class WOD then. The days I have you scheduled for the regular classes are very in line (workout wise) with the stimulus you'd get from doing the team training. Go enjoy a class and push hard.
