
What's to come:
Week 7 (current week) - Loading phase
Week 8 - Deload
Week 9 - Loading
Week 10 - Loading
Week 11- Loading
Week 12 - Testing
*weeks 9-11 will be a loading phase but less volume than normal as I want you guys in and out of gym and primed to test on week 12*

A1. Front Squat @ 32X1 3,3,3,3,3 *heavier than week 3 - no fails*
A2. Strict Ring Dips 5 x 12-15 rest 2 minutes (Girls 10)
B. Clean Pull @ - 3, 3, 3, 3 *building each set - no pause at knee AHAP*
C. Hang Clean - 3, 3, 3, 3 *heavier than week 3*
D. GH Raise - 4 x 10-12 reps rest 90 seconds

Cash Out:
4 sets of 30-50 UB Double Unders
5-10 minutes of Muscle Up Practice *if you're a muscle up ninja practice no kip*


  1. What should we do if we do not have muscle ups??

  2. Mobility

    A1. Front Squat - 5 x 3 reps - tempo 32X1

    A2. Strict Ring Dips - 10 - 12 reps

    -->rest 2 min


    185 lbs, 12 reps
    195 lbs, 12 reps
    205 lbs, 12 reps
    215 lbs, 11 reps
    225 lb, 10 reps
    *front squats felt great--held tempo well, good and deep and felt strong; dips improving as well--did all unbroken*

    Clean Pull - 4 x 3 reps

    Result: all at 275 lbs

    Hang Clean - 4 x 3 reps


    165 lbs
    175 lbs
    180 lbs
    185 lbs *failed on 3rd reps--retried and couldn't get it*
    GH Raises [sub: reverse hypers] - 4 x 12 -->rest 90 sec @ 180 lbs

    *couldn't do the raises, hamstrings cramped up immediately :-( *

    Double Unders - 4 sets of 30 - 50

    Results: 34, 30, 36, 50 *4 failed sets intermixed*

    Muscle-up Practice - kipping practice *poor* and transition practice with a blue band *very poor*

  3. A1) 145, 145, 150, 150, 150
    A2) 10, 10, 10, 10 triangle pushups, 10 triangle pushups
    B) 175, 180, 185, 190
    C) 120, 120, 125, 125
    D) 10, 10, 12, 12
    DU's: 50, 47, 46, 50
    + 5 min MU band drills (ran out of time before the 7am class started)

    I'm really frustrated with my gymnastics. I don't understand why I have such a hard time with these movements. I needed to switch to triangle pushups today because it was taking me forever to do one dip at a time and I wanted to get the entire workout done before 7am. I'm not giving up but I'm really fucking frustrated with myself.

  4. A1) front squat:
    For each 150 set the last rep was not pretty and don't think I held it full 2 seconds

    A2) did the ring dips strict for the first time on rings!!
    Did 5-6 then did 5 triangle push-ups

    B) clean pull: 135-140-145-150
    Felt good and no hitch!

    C) hang cleans: here is where I fell apart... More mentally

    Last time did 110 and this week when I tried I fell forward twice.. Ugh!

    D) GH raises

    Cash out Doubles:
    Sets unbroken


    MU Work:
    Drills to pull through with and without the band for about 10 minutes

  5. A1. FS 5x3: all at 125.
    A2. Strict dips: 5 x 10
    B. Clean pulls 4x3: 175, 185, 195, 195
    C. Hang cleans 4x3: 115, 115, 115, 120
    D. GH 4x 10

    4x 50 DUs. 5 min MU work- got 1 kipping MU. Shot.

  6. A1. Front Squat @ 23X1
    A2. Strict Rig Dips

    205 - 12 UB
    205 - 12 UB
    205 - 12 UB
    205 - 12 UB
    205 - 6/6

    B. Clean Pull
    205, 225, 245, 255

    C. Hang Clean
    155, 175, 175 (Failed), 165, 155

    D. GH Raise
    10, 10, 10, 10

    Didn't have time to cash out this morning, but will return tonight to finish.

  7. A1: 255, 275,295, 305, 310 (crazy lightheaded after this)
    A2: 15 each
    B: 345, 315, 315, 315 (felt dizzy during this)
    C: 225, 245, 265x2 (blacked out when I started the 3rd rep, collapsed to the ground)
    D: All at 35

    That shit was crazy

    1. Please tell me you caught this on camera! How did I miss that. "Where the wild things are"

    2. Nah I wasn't recording then. It was pretty cool actually, literally saw black and woke up on the floor like 2 seconds later

  8. A1. Front Squat @ 32×1 (5×3)
    A2. Strict Ring Dips x 12-15
    = 185/12, 205/12, 215/12, 215/12, 225/12
    -Did 12 to minimize time - all unbroken, ring dips feel good. Front Squat felt good - heavy but controlled.
    B. Clean Pull @ 4×3
    = 255
    C. Hang Clean @ 4×3
    =175 (3), 175, 175, 185
    D. GH Raise 4×10-12 r:45s (not enough time to rest the full minute and 30s)

    Didn't do the cash out bc I had to run to work.

  9. A. Front Squat: 135, 145, 155, 165, 170 *the squat itself was ok, but the last two sets really did not feel good on my wrist*
    A1. Ring dips: 5x10 these felt pretty good.
    B. Clean pull: 155, 175, 185, 195 *these also felt good*
    C. Hang Cleans: 85, 105, 115, 125 (1) *again, the clean itself felt ok, but that first clean at 125 was no bueno on the wrist*
    D. GH Raises: 4x 12
    E. DU's: 4x 30.*I still hate them. They make me soooo winded! *

  10. Front Squat/Dips - 145/10, 155/10, 155/10, 160/10, 165/10
    Clean Pull - 195, 205, 215, 225
    Hang Cleans - 145, 155, 165(2), 155
    GHD - 4×12
    Doubles - 50, 50, 50, 35
    Muscle Ups - worked transition

  11. A: 205/12 210/12 215/12 220/12(sloppy) 205/12
    B: 265
    C: 175-185-195-205. Easy. Had more
    D could only squeeze in 3 sets.

  12. A1. 245, 245, 255, 265(2), 265(3)
    A2. 12x5
    B. 305,315,335, 325
    C. 215, 225(2,1 lost grip), 225(same), nothing on last set. Pulled and the tank was empty.
    D. 4x12
    Dubs, 50,50,46,43
    Muscle ups not front uprise x 15 real slow working on hitting spots.

  13. A1) 245, 245, 255, 265, 265
    A2) 15, 14, 12, 8-4, 8-3-2
    B) 275, 285, 285, 285
    C) 185, 185, 195, 195(1)
    D) 12, 12, 12, 12 unweighted
    DUs: 50, 50, 50, 50

    Was definitely feeling my back from saturday on the clean pulls, hang cleans, and GHD raises

  14. A1. 225, 235, 235, 235, 245
    A2. 15, 15, 15, 14, 15
    B. 305, 315, 325, 335
    C. 185, 195, 205 (2), 205....just lost grip on 3rd set
    D. 4×12
    50,50,50,50 + MU work

  15. A1. Front Squats: 135, 145, 155, 160, 165
    A2. Ring Dips: 10-10-10- (8,1,1)-(5, 2,3)
    -the last two sets I started to fail on the ring dips and had to break them up.
    B. Clean Pull: 175, 180, 185, 190
    C. Hang Clean: 105, 110, 115, 120
    -These felt great today. 120 is a new PR for me, and I felt good on all 3 of them.
    D. 4 x 10 GHD Raises

    -DU's: 50, 50, 50, 50

    Muscle Up work: had about 4 attempts and failed, then I got one on my last attempt. It wasn't pretty, but I was pumped I got one today.

  16. A1. Front Squat - 225, 235, 235, 235, 245
    A2. Ring Dips - 15 UB, then had to switch to dips on the GHD bc my new tattoo was rubbing on my shirt.
    B. Clean Pull - 305, 315, 325, 335
    C. Hang Clean - 205, 215, 225, 235 (got 1 and failed the 2nd)
    D. 4 x 10 GDH Raises

    Cash Out - DU 4 x 50 Unbroken

    Did 3 sets of strict muscle ups and I of kipping.

  17. A1. Front Squats: 105, 110, 125, 135, 145
    A2. Ring Dips: 10-10-10 All broken up. Last 2 sets 5 ringdips and then 5 triangle pushups.
    B. Clean Pull: 145, 155, 165, 185
    C. Hang Squat Clean: 115, 120, 125, 135
    D. 4 x 10 GHD Raises

    -DU's: SUCKED... 47, 17, 29, 36
    Not sure what is happening with my left wrist. It is turning in the wrong direction.. very strange.
