
A. Clean Grip Banded DL - 8 x 2 reps rest 30 seconds bt efforts (at 50% of 1RM from last week) - https://youtu.be/F6xPIZC6lhM
B. Power Clean Cluster off low blocks 6" - 1.1.1 x 4 rest 5 seconds rest 2 minutes @ 75% of 1RM
C. Partner Assited GH Raise x 10-15 reps rest 2 minutes x 3 sets - https://youtu.be/giATorhcsvw
EMOM x 16
odd - 4 TNG Power Snatch (Guys go between 115-155, Ladies go between 75-95)
even - 6 DB Burpee Box Overs 50/30
Goat Work x 10-15 minutes


  1. A. 95 with blue band
    B. 90, 95, 100, 100
    C. 12, 13, 15
    D. 70# and 20# DB - ABSOLUTELY MISERABLE
    Goat - squatting tonight

  2. A. 105 with blue band
    B. 105, 3x110
    C. 15,12,15
    EMOM. 75# snatch (kept it light but all rounds unbroken)

    Goat - pistols and double unders tonight

  3. A) skipped will make up tonight- not enough time before work
    B) 105x2
    C) 10,10
    Did all 6 step overs each round but went to the minute
    Snatch last few rounds did 2 and 2

    Goat work: team botb practice tonight

  4. A. 165 w/ blue band
    B. 155
    C. Did 5m sandbag hold instead
    D. Done @ 115.
    Last 3 intervals of the db burpee were 3, 5 and 6 with a 45s cut off. These were pretty rough

  5. A. 225 blue band
    B. 205
    C. done later tonight
    D. done #135 snatches, db burpees rounds finished between 29 to 31 seconds each round

  6. Power cleans - 105, 115, 120, 120

    EMOM- 85 snatch felt good for a few rounds, then had to break it up 2-2 or 3-1. Burpee dumbbell got all 6 except one round of 4 and one of 5

    Making up today's left over and Monday's tomorrow am
